Example sentences of "hold out a " in BNC.

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1 Literary , second-sighted , sick , she holds out a hand to him : he clasps it , but then decides he ca n't go on .
2 Every once in a while he holds out a small portion of meat , which the Skeleton chews furiously and swallows , with the same lack of success as before .
3 Hence Japanese management holds out a promise of permanent employment to a core of selected employees whose numbers are ‘ limited to a cyclically justifiable minimum ’ ( Taira 1962 p.l68 ) .
4 It holds out a challenge .
5 Do you think it holds out a ray of hope among the problems which perplex us all so sorely today ? ’
6 He holds out a sunburned arm .
7 Dwayne holds out a freckled ham .
8 The giant holds out a paw full of money for the barman .
9 The ‘ everlasting arms ’ hold out a cushion against our own inadequacies which , like a doctor 's placebo , is none the less effective for being imaginary .
10 This trend towards a greater reliance upon jobs in service industries does not by itself , however , hold out a great deal of hope for the long-term male unemployed , or the emerging underclass .
11 All you have to do is drive to this place and hold out a hand in friendship . ’
12 Oh yeah , what happened , hold out a trouser missing .
13 They are thus more ‘ moral ’ or , as he can also say , more ‘ teleological ’ than Islam , for they discern and hold out an ethical purpose and direction for human life .
14 This involves holding out a bar at arm 's length and then rotating it .
15 Bodo , big in his brown overalls , holding out a large , square , calloused hand with broken finger-nails and taking Karl 's white hand firmly but , Erika noticed , not squeezing hard .
16 The sergeant from the scene of crime squad pushed past him , and advanced on Catherine Crane , holding out a pair of battered wellingtons with the air of the prince hopefully extending a glass slipper .
17 The lady with the upright hair who Gloria said had a screw loose , clattered into the bedroom holding out a steaming jug on a tray .
18 ‘ Mungo , Vic , ’ Emily confirmed , holding out a pale , thin arm by way of introduction .
19 What is happening to me , she asked , sitting on the bed and holding out a shaking hand , what is wrong ?
20 Anna was bending over him , holding out a mug of coffee .
21 The German soldier was holding out a box of cigars .
22 She turned to see a very large handsome man holding out a cardigan and grinning like a Cheshire cat .
23 The stewardess was dutifully holding out a packet of cigarettes .
24 And the sister was further surprised when , holding out a hand to Millie , it was not taken , but , instead , the child began to walk out before her , only to be brought to a stop by the nun saying , ‘ You must always ask Mother Superior if you may leave her presence .
25 So I I 'm not holding out a lot of hope for it .
26 How do you do ? ’ he said , holding out a large hand .
27 I am so sorry , ’ he said , holding out a hand to help her up .
28 ‘ Hello ’ said Bob , coming back into the office and holding out a bag of sweets to Tessa .
29 They traversed lush apricot orchards without comment ; they ignored a shepherd holding out a bowl of milk ; wordlessly they returned to the village where Miss Fergusson , her calculated civility now restored to her , asked the elder if lodgings could be supplied to them without delay .
30 When the ironing was being done , if he came in , holding out a shirt or a collar for special attention before he put it on , he caught , sometimes , among the warm bread-like goodness of pressed linen and cotton , fragrant from soap and water , the stab of pungent humanity , a momentary trace as the heavy iron stamped the armpit of one of his daughters ' blouses , the ferrous , lively whiff of blood lingering around the soft white squares of cotton they wore during their time of the month .
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