Example sentences of "hold by the " in BNC.

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1 A jury swore in 1266 that John son of Nigel and his ancestors had been foresters of fee of Bernwood Forest ‘ from the Conquest of England ’ : another jury declared that the ancestors of William son of Adam had been granted the manor of Hutton-in-the Forest by Henry I , to hold by the serjeanty of keeping the bailiwick of Plumpton in Inglewood Forest .
2 It was decided at the Brdo kod Kranja meeting to hold by the end of May a separate referendum in each republic except Slovenia , which had already voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] .
3 At a recent meeting in London on human rights in Sri Lanka , MP Fernando Pulle Jeyaraj gave a graphic description of the torture and detention houses in which JVP ‘ suspects ’ are held by the security forces .
4 The ‘ loyal ’ forces air-lifted a company of troops to an air-strip near the military headquarters held by the rebels .
5 The balance of power will be held by the Progress Party , an unpredictable all-purpose protest party .
6 In the aftermath of the Arusha Declaration , the value of corporate assets held by the state in Tanzania increased sevenfold from financial years 1970/1 to 1977/8 .
7 So if there is no son , as during George VI 's reign , it is held by the monarch .
8 Mr Richard Aikens , QC , for the Independent , said that ironically the subject matter had now been held by the House of Lords not to have been confidential , in the sense that in October last year the Law Lords refused to grant permanent injunctions against the Observer and the Guardian , ruling in favour of freedom of speech .
9 These two heroin refining towns serve the most prolific of all the Afghan poppy areas , Helmund province , currently held by the mujahedin .
10 The 500,000 acres of land held by the water companies would be prey to ‘ massive exploitation . ’
11 Saga has about 1,500 shareholders , with institutions accounts for around half the shares not held by the family and the remainder held by private investors .
12 There are cushions like the World Food Programme and the stocks held by the major grain producers , but emergencies and poor harvests could run them down very quickly .
13 The UN Charter would have to be amended to provide for a special security council which would not , presumably , include the rights of veto held by the five permanent members of the existing security council .
14 To keep Mr Nakayama , Mr Kaifu bought off the Abe faction by surrendering one of the two cabinet posts normally held by the small Komoto faction to which he himself belongs .
15 Another newish rule forces most of a card 's receivables to be held by the issuing company , not its parent .
16 Apart from these cases , the entire property , other than that in which the deceased 's interest ceased at his death , is held by the executors or administrators on trust for sale , in the first instance for the payment of his debts , and then for distribution as laid down in the Intestates ’ Estates Act 1952 , which has replaced the relevant provisions of the Act of 1925 .
17 The enormous main door of the house stood open , its metal-lined bulk held by the largest safety-chain he had ever seen .
18 But still , the great majority of posts are held by the sort of steady chaps who have always made up the Great and Good .
19 A more radical position , at least in principle , was held by the most prominent figure ( though not the originator ) of the Gentile mission — Saul or Paul of Tarsus , a Hellenized Jew with Roman citizenship .
20 The deeply unpopular Somerset was overthrown in October , and power passed to those who had opposed the war ; his successor , John Dudley , earl of Warwick , was only recognizing the inevitable when he gave up Boulogne at the same time as peace was made with Scotland in March 1550 , when the last stronghold held by the English , Lauder , capitulated .
21 Another admirer , a woman who went into the mission field , recalled that ‘ the silence of a great congregation , held by the power of an eloquence which we felt rather than understood , endued him with an ‘ other-worldliness ’ which could not be explained ’ .
22 The Holy Roman Emperors were elected by three lay and three clerical Electors plus the King of Bohemia , a title always held by the Habsburgs after the Thirty Years War .
23 Royal licences to quarry stones , or to cut down and sell timber in the woods of subjects , or to bring such woods into cultivation , or to pasture cattle therein , were frequently preceded by such an inquiry held by the Justice of the Forest or his deputy .
24 The principal Forest offices were held by the great barons as life appointments .
25 An inquiry will be held by the National Soccer League .
26 Mr Ashdown must now pin his hopes on efforts to target vulnerable Tory seats , such as Bath , which is held by the Tory chairman , Mr Patten .
27 By the Great Semantic Shift which has operated in English politics over the past 30 years or so , opinions on this and many other matters which were once held by the majority and described as ‘ moderate ’ , ‘ of the centre ’ or merely ‘ patriotic ’ have gradually come to be described first as ‘ right-wing ’ , then as ‘ extreme right-wing ’ , then as ‘ lunatic fringe ’ and finally as ‘ fascist ’ .
28 In Germany the northern border was held by the Frisians , and the southern border by the Bavarians .
29 Between Frisia in the north and Bavaria in the south , the frontier inherited by Charles was held by the Thuringians , who were ruled by Frankish counts .
30 He is seen on his knees whilst God shatters the wall held by the defending Moslem forces .
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