Example sentences of "hold to the " in BNC.

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1 British Gas holds to the opinion that it will need discoveries from both the Norwegian and UK sectors to meet future demand and that it will need to buy some 12,000 billion cubic feet of new supplies by the end of the century — some one-third of the amount British Gas projected it would sell .
2 One of the reasons why Colnaghi 's wanted a presence in Paris and welcomed the opportunity to be at the Hotel Bristol is the attraction which Paris holds to the Japanese ; furthermore , a high occupancy rate at the Hotel Bristol is Japanese and I look forward to being able to meet this clientele .
3 While ministers in Holland and Belgium are intervening ‘ before breakfast , lunch , tea and dinner ’ in order to rescue something of the Daf structure , their counterpart in the UK holds to the view that the market alone should decide Leyland Daf 's future .
4 At the same time , sociologists of education generally hold to the view that schools can have an important role in both conservation and social change .
5 But if we hold to the idea of democracy as popular power , then it is clear that the concentration of so much power in non-accountable hands , outside the control of elected bodies , is incompatible with democracy .
6 Few nowadays hold to the ‘ medical ’ or ‘ treatment ’ models of punishment , or claim that science can provide a cure for all criminality .
7 Few elitists now hold to the notion of a single dominant elite effectively exercising or directing the exercise of all important functions , and few now use the term ‘ elite ’ as the all-embracing explanatory concept which it is for the classical theorists .
8 They may not , it is true , hold to the conception of meaning which , for example , many interactionists would , but this is , again , a matter for serious analysis and argument rather than sloganeering and posturing .
9 Few Marxists now hold to the traditional claim that the state is nothing but the executive committee of the bourgeoisie .
10 Ruskin 's espousal of a craftsmanly aesthetics , Robinson points out , is grounded in Christian convictions about the humility proper to a fallen creature : lacking such grounds , Pound 's holding to the craftsmanly not only seems arbitrary and unargued , it is as often presumptuous as humble .
11 At the time of King William 's visit in 1861 , Prussian policy had been simply that of holding to the treaties of 1815 with no thought of altering the status quo .
12 If deep love exists and that loving is complete , then this blend and harmony can be brought about by all forms of physical closeness — from touching and holding to the complete sexual act .
13 Conversion is achieved by transferring the nominee holding to the beneficial owner .
14 In other words , Athens was still holding to the idea of a central Greek , religiously based land empire .
15 The problem comes when your parents have a slight concern for what you are doing , ( as mine do ) , + it gives the impression that you are still tightly holding to the old apron-strings .
16 Economics textbooks may still hold to the notion of ‘ work ’ as paid employment and deny the importance of unpaid women 's work ( in agriculture or the home ) in their theories and explanations and their insistence that most countries have moved to a ‘ monetary economy ’ .
17 The Rev Anthony Freeman said he felt a great sense of relief when he admitted to himself he did not hold to the traditional view of God .
18 Now it was possible for a settlor who conveyed land to A to direct him to hold to the use of B ; and then to direct that , on the happening of an event , e.g. B 's marriage , B's use should shift to C. This use in favour of C was a shifting use .
19 Some schools may come to consider that the hard sell offers the only feasible way of gaining a firm position in the ‘ market-place ’ , because it would be naïve to hold to the unrealistic idea that most schools can respond to the new spirit of competition by quickly raising standards to improve their school 's popularity .
20 It was light as filigree in his hand , the heel held to the shoe only by one fragment of cleanly cut leather .
21 For the sit-ups either a dumb-bell or a weight disc is held to the chest , and the back is kept slightly rounded with the chin on the chest .
22 In Chicago , an annual chipping ceremony is held to the strains of ‘ O Christmas Tree , O Christmas Tree . ’
23 He made clear to Hitler that Britain would not fight to uphold the Versailles treaty and , for far too long , held to the hope that the Third Reich 's territorial ambitions would cease after it had vacuumed up all ethnic Germans .
24 Suppose by mistake or accident he fails to repay on the day named , is it fair that he should be held to the terms of the deed ?
25 Now , when I touch his cheek with my finger , he responds normally , but not as quickly as he responds when he is held to the breast .
26 The Council agreed that the company should not be held to the requirement to construct the line from the ‘ Robin Hood' ’ down Elmers End Road to the Beckenham boundary , unless Beckenham U.D.C. constructed a continuation to Elmers End Station .
27 The neckguard was solid and beaten out of two sheets of metal and held to the cap by two riveted leather hinges with metal reinforcing bars .
28 The bronze sheeting was held to the cap , cheek-pieces , neckguard and mask by fluted strips of bronze riveted through the edges of the foil to the cap of the helmet .
29 The tent will then be held to the ground while you insert the poles and erect the tent .
30 These are held to the wall with a screw and wall plug , and are then covered with mortar so that they do n't show .
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