Example sentences of "hold of the " in BNC.

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1 There are Dwarf settlements within the mountains , but these are fewer in number and less wealthy than the mighty Dwarf Holds of the Worlds Edge Mountains .
2 What should the post-Christian then hold of the religion that there has been down the ages ?
3 The speaker who uses it feels himself or herself to be stating , with an explicitness not found in the merely qualifying adjective , even when it is ascriptive , that the property expressed does hold of the entity identified by the whole noun phrase ; an inevitable concomitant is that the postnominal adjective must be to a certain extent salient in the situation where it is used .
4 The long-term result of this statute was that practically all land held by free tenure had come to be held of the King .
5 While the number of tenements held of the manor came to fifty-two , the number of separate farms totalled seventy-three , resulting of course in an increase in the number of smaller units , both absolutely and relatively ; in particular the number below 10 acres amounted to forty-five ( 62 per cent ) compared with twenty-eight ( 54 per cent ) head tenancies .
6 Behind these words lay the belief that all offices and counties were fiefs held of the king , whether directly or through an intermediary .
7 Then , when King John took over the French lands which he had inherited in 1200 , he was allowed to do so only on condition that he should recognise them as being fiefs held of the king of France .
8 The manor , in the Aire valley just outside Leeds , was held of the duchy of Lancaster , which may first have brought William to Gloucester 's notice .
9 La Marche was a huge fief held of the Duke of Aquitaine , but the Counts had always been more or less independent .
10 Since 1213 when King John tactically surrendered the kingdom to Pope Innocent III and received it back as a fief held of the papacy , the English crown had owed the pope an annual tribute of a thousand marks ( £666 6/ 8d ) .
11 The issue is simply : should a ballot be held of the railwaymen to ascertain their views ?
12 In the supermarket booksellers with their dizzying displays , their pyramids of bestsellers , one is intimidated , constantly lost in the wealth of glittering titles , bemused by a request answered by a computer which indicates the number of copies held of the title one has asked for , the price , position on the shelf , shelf position in the shop .
13 During the period of the project the inter-University seminar on Soviet industrialisation will continue to meet regularly five times a year in Birmingham ; and a conference will be held of the International Work-Group on Soviet Economic History .
14 It is intended to research , firstly , the changing expectations that have been held of the physical environment and to consider just what both official bodies and NGOs think an appropriate environment should be like .
15 All external users of products can be registered with LIFESPAN and details held of the products used by each client .
16 The manor , in the Aire valley just outside Leeds , was held of the duchy of Lancaster , which may first have brought William to Gloucester 's notice .
17 Then the rest of the year was covered , a month at a time , by each of seven vassals , in return for the fiefs they held of the count .
18 In return , William was required to recognize that , since the fief he held of the bishop was now larger than those any other lord had bestowed on him , he ought to be ‘ a better man ’ of the bishop than of any of his other lords .
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