Example sentences of "hold the same " in BNC.

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1 For Porsche , the 911 holds the same place as the Dino Berlinetta Speciale does for Ferrari — a marvellous design that could be continually updated and evolved .
2 To ask them is to assume that Mr Jones next door holds the same opinions and follows the same practices as Mr Smith across the road .
3 But somehow the invitation no longer holds the same enticing mystery as it once did .
4 This is not required if the relevant condition is that the parent undertaking holds a majority of the voting rights and holds the same proportion of shares as it holds voting rights
5 He told Mr Major : ‘ This is a well-deserved honour for you and a great encouragement for all of us who hold the same convictions . ’
6 There are only a few societies where all members hold the same characteristics to be applicable to everyone .
7 If the worst examples of A-road architecture are produced by a combination of developer , architect and local authority all holding the same materialistic values , the reverse is also true .
8 Challenging the popular belief that northern Protestants have formed a monolithic bloc , all holding the same political , social and religious views , The Dissenting Voice quarries the historical record to expose the complex truth .
9 In 1728 , for example , while Alexander Legrand , the collector of Leith , enjoyed a place worth £ 100 per annum , William Gordon , the officer holding the same rank at Aberdeen , was paid £50 , while Hugh Baillie , the collector of Orkney , had to make do with a mere £30 per annum .
10 Holding the same price as earlier models , the new Auspex NS 5550 , shown at the recent Interop conference in Washington DC , doubles the throughput of the older NS 5000 .
11 However , a random file generally occupies more space than a serial file holding the same amount of data because the records must be a fixed length and some of the records will be empty .
12 Primarily , between the marble staircases of the Grosvenor and Waterloo Rooms of this world , there was life — rich , content , brash , and above all , utterly and completely confident that tomorrow would hold the same as today , if not a few ounces , inches , or a pickle-jar more for all concerned .
13 Maybe phenomena like the Needle , a pockmarked warty old erect penis with a tuft of grass on its tip , do not hold the same attraction these days .
14 Lawrence Perlman , president and chief executive , will hold the same posts at Ceridian and James Ousley , who has headed the Computer Products business for three years , will be president and chief executive of Control Data Systems .
15 Saying you 've been to those destinations in the U K does n't actually hold the same appeal or esteem .
16 It would scarcely hold the same significance for him .
17 I wondered how many people in Chelmsford could hold the same conversation in German .
18 For Elizabeth Gould , however , this ornithological cornucopia right on the doorstep did not hold the same all-encompassing fascination .
19 Both the department head lists will hold the same pointers downward as the lecturers hold upwards , that is , all types of access between the two ‘ levels , are permitted .
20 Because of the similarity of wording between s.69 and s.5 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 , it would appear that the courts may hold the same view with regard to civil evidence .
21 3.6 To the extent that the Tenant has exclusive possession of the Premises at any time before completion of the Lease the Tenant shall hold the same as Tenant at will of the Landlord The tenant may wish to delete this clause despite a footnote to the precedent to the effect that any purported determination of the tenancy at will by the landlord ( other than where provided for in clause 5 ) would presumably contribute a breach of contract , ie for withdrawing the authority granted by clause 3.5 .
22 If the Society shall at any time convert the Garden into buildings for habitations or to any other uses , save such as are necessary for a physic Garden , for the culture , planting and preserving of trees , plants and flowers , and such like purposes , then it shall be lawful for Sir Hans Sloane , his heirs and assigns to enter upon the premises and to hold the same for the use and benefit and in trust for the said president , Council and Fellows of the Royal Society , subject to the same rent and to the delivery of specimens of plants .
23 The landlord hereby demises unto the Tenant ALL THAT messuage or dwelling-house with the outbuildings and garden attached thereto and forming part thereof known as Number 10 Downing Lane Old Fableland in the County of Humberside which premises are outlined in red on the Plan annexed to these presents EXCEPT AND RESERVING AND SUBJECT to the exceptions and reservations set out in the Schedule hereto TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant from the 25th day of December 1986 for the term of seven years PAYING therefore the net yearly rent of £2500 clear of all deductions by equal quarterly instalments commencing on the 25th day of December 1986 next and thereafter on the usual quarter days .
24 IN pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS now paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor ( the receipt of which sum the Vendor hereby acknowledges ) the Vendor as beneficial owner hereby conveys unto the Purchaser ALL THAT Garage known as Number 47 West Street aforesaid in the County of Gloucester all which said property is more particularly described in the annexed plan and outlined in red TO HOLD the same unto the Purchaser in fee simple together with the benefit of but subject also to a restrictive covenant contained in a Conveyance dated the Twenty-fifth day of May One thousand nine hundred and thirty-four made between the Stroud Brewery Company Limited of the one part and William Thomson deceased of the other part but otherwise free from incumbrances .
25 It seems you keep having to hold the same conversation over and over again .
26 A typical court order ( in this case the matrimonial home being in the husband 's sole name ) might be as follows : It is ordered that the Respondent do transfer the property known as 1 Blackacre Drive , Blackacre , to himself and the Petitioner ( or to other trustees ) to hold the same as to 60% for himself and as to 40% for the Petitioner .
27 He sat for Westmorland in the Reformation Parliament ( 1529–36 ) and may have held the same seat subsequently .
28 Most of the new members had held the same portfolios in the Council of Ministers , including Marshal Dmitry Yazov as Defence Minister , Sergei Lushchikov as Justice Minister , and Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov as chair of the State Security Committee ( KGB ) .
29 Shagalyn Jadambaa ( Defence ) , and Tserenpilyn Gombosuren ( Foreign Relations ) had all held the same or similar posts in the outgoing Cabinet ; Dalrain Davaasambuu ( Finance ) , Namsraijavyn Luvsabjav ( Justice ) and Tsevenjavyn Oold ( Food and Agriculture ) were among new appointments .
30 The fact that the abortion referenda will be held the same day may also count against Fianna Fail .
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