Example sentences of "hold [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 He ( unlike those he holds guilty of some of the corrupt practices that seem to obsess him both here , and in the Regiment of Princes , the coin-clippers and counterfeiters ) , has done nothing wrong .
2 The same holds true of the new wave of talent highlighted here , though one or two are committed to working with building-based companies .
3 The same holds true of any other strategy adopted as a result of operant conditioning .
4 The same holds true of holidays as themes of mental activity while working :
5 ( 1982 ) have argued that resources will be allocated efficiently ( in the sense that prices will be equal to marginal costs ) in industries which are perfectly contestable and that this result holds irrespective of the number of firms in the industry .
6 Although infants do not have their own baggage allowance , a collapsible pushchair may be carried in the aircraft hold free of charge .
7 I shall use here the data on short /a/ , but similar conclusions hold true of other vowels ( for greater detail , see J. Milroy , 1976a , 1981 ; Harris , 1985 ) .
8 The objective is to see how far the trends observed in Atlanta hold true of these other cities , selected because of certain similarities to and differences from Atlanta .
9 absorbency both in order to take up cosmetics and cleansing agents , and a the same time to hold sufficient of the cleansing agents whilst they are being applied .
10 This was not always so : in Senior ( 1899 ) a man who belonged to a religious sect called the Peculiar People refused to call a doctor to his child , who subsequently died ; he was held guilty of manslaughter on the ground that he had committed an unlawful act ( wilful neglect of the child ) which caused death .
11 There is an immediate paradox here though : attempted murder may not involve the infliction of any harm at all , since a person who shoots at another and misses may still be held guilty of attempted murder .
12 This was open to the criticism that it imposed constructive liability : a person who risked a minor assault might be held guilty of a more serious offence if ‘ actual bodily harm ’ happened to result .
13 Markets , held free of toll by privilege of the Lord of the Manor , and the ‘ Goose Fairs ’ , where poultry and pigs were sold , died out only at the turn of the century .
14 Individual pots can be sealed in a plastic bag held clear of the foliage by wire hoops .
15 I wish the same held true of Hebron and Jerusalem .
16 ‘ WB lock ’ is a useful refinement by means of which a setting can be obtained and held irrespective of lighting changes — handy when you are shooting sunsets !
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