Example sentences of "member [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The practice at promotion interviews of questioning Union Members about Union Activity , their intentions in the event of future industrial action and questioning the appropriateness of Union Membership was roundly condemned in this Resolution .
2 The criticism follows complaints to the Physiological Society by some of its members about guidelines issued to potential grant applicants by the Wolfson Foundation , one of Britain 's leading sponsors of university research .
3 She would be pleased to hear from members about issues they fell should be brought to the government 's attention ! ! 6 .
4 General leaflets are available to members about gigs , royalties , — copyright and contracts .
5 The alternative of a directly managed service with a bureaucratic chain from Whitehall to Whitehaven has not been considered appropriate , although the merits of the interposition of members between tiers of management have not been universally accepted in the NHS .
6 Trade unionists also discovered that provision of benefits were an effective means of retaining members between periods of industrial militancy .
7 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
8 Sets can be described by listing their members between pairs of curly brackets ( also called braces ) .
9 We transmit those values , beliefs and assumptions to new members through stories , myths , jargon and rituals as valid ways to think , perceive and feel in relation to what we do .
10 Looking now at the gains and losses bar graph for the year we see that the main explanation for their growth has been the addition of thirty-two members through transfer .
11 Much of the redistribution shown in Table 2.1 results from the spreading of wealth among family members through trusts .
12 The largest interbreeding population of Hector 's dolphin around Banks Peninsula in New Zealand , lost 230 of its estimated 760 members through entanglement in set-nets between 1984 and 1988 .
13 The NAP has long been controversial , thanks largely to its practice of recruiting members through group psychotherapy and to its alliances with figures as diverse as the neo-fascist Lyndon LaRouche and the Reverend Al Sharpton .
14 This church added sixteen members through restoration .
15 The centres of militancy of the previous decade were among the hardest hit , Labour MPs nearly all came from constituencies with massive unemployment , and the unions were faced with the protection of their employed members through organizations weakened by declining funds and membership .
16 Who I have no doubt will be very happy to discuss with members during lunch break what what the Project is .
17 The figures said resentment about the treatment of families of UDA members during police raids across Belfast had reached boiling point .
18 While most of what follows with regard to consultation skills will also be relevant for working with individual teachers , the focus will be on group consultation ; not merely , however , as a numerically economic approach , but as one that can show how personal resources can be maximised through working in groups with colleagues , using skills which are also relevant to the group members as teachers .
19 This quote appeared on envelopes sent out to British members as part of the India fundraising appeal .
20 Such occurrences caused some anxiety at the time , but were accepted by members as part of their responsibility .
21 In the March reshuffle a total of 11 ministers and secretaries of state left the Cabinet , now reduced from 27 to 21 members as part of a streamlining process in line with an IMF and World Bank economic restructuring programme .
22 It is with regret and concern that I find myself moving to this resolution since the members as members of the European Community want would like to have been possible to travel freely between members states .
23 Gedge used the other band members as arbitrators of the material , especially Gregory who contributes his own bass lines to songs .
24 LCH is to perform such obligations " so as to ensure the performance of all open contracts in accordance with these regulations " ( reg 1 ) , a clear echo of Sched 4 to the 1986 Act.4 It is added , to put beyond doubt what has always been LCH 's position , that the benefit of LCH 's performance is conferred upon clearing members as principals " and upon no other persons whatsoever " .
25 The second most honoured player in Scotland 's history — the game at Ibrox will bring McLeish his 77th cap — was introduced by Roxburgh to the other squad members as captain of the side on Sunday .
26 The prosecution was also believed to be planning to call three former Mafia members as witnesses .
27 Training church members as community volunteers .
28 Craig seems to have been determined to undermine the association 's credibility and to brand its members as troublemakers .
29 The problem of carers was sensibly raised by my hon. Friend the Member for Chislehurst ( Mr. Sims ) and by several other hon. Members , including the hon. Members for Withington and for Birkenhead .
30 The hon. Members for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) and for West Bromwich , East ( Mr. Snape ) referred to an article in the Evening Standard .
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