Example sentences of "off at the " in BNC.

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1 Ursula and Gianni got off at the next station but one , having brought their growing mutual admiration to a startling climax wedged solid among the rocking mass of sober commuters .
2 Getting a good set of prints is not cheap , although there are less expensive rates for students and most actors have a stock of postcard size prints that they can send off at the merest rumour of work .
3 People pushed and shoved , stared at his madder lake suit , trousers cut off at the knee .
4 If it is , it none the less dates back explicitly to 1961 when he played Littlechap , the Everyman figure who makes it big , in Stop The World — I Want To Get Off at the Queen 's .
5 The walk follows a winding road out of Ballycastle for a short while , but it is worth branching off at the sign for Kinbane Castle .
6 ‘ Good ’ work has to be seen as More than crime-fighting : ‘ Like , this is the sort of job that you come off at the end of the night and say to yourself ‘ What did I do ? ’
7 In Tanzania the Asians suffered attrition in stages as the combined effects of the Arusha Declaration and the nationalization of both private houses and wholesale trade ‘ cut them off at the knees ’ as Nyerere expressed it .
8 But I must have nodded off at the time .
9 By way of diversion we stopped off at the army 's counter-intelligence headquarters .
10 A minor but telling incident : a big army exercise scheduled for last week in which French soldiers were , for the first time , to do mock battle alongside British troops in West Germany was called off at the last moment because of East Germany 's election .
11 A press conference Mr Kaifu had scheduled for Wednesday evening to explain what the government had decided was called off at the last minute .
12 The letter quoted above was begun at Didcot Station , then continued at his Cowley Road digs , and rounded off at the end of the first day of the Scholarship exam after six hours of hard writing .
13 He would drop it off at the police station when he was well enough .
14 Dana saw me off at the station .
15 Once when I was leaving for Europe , he came to see me off at the airport , bringing a parting gift .
16 When I changed buses there was just time to get the sweets and bananas — the bananas were very good today ; and on the other bus there was a nice driver who said that if I sat near the front he would let me off at the crossing if he was held up in the traffic , instead of my going on to the bus stop and having to walk back ; because of the rain . ’
17 I was his assistant and when he wanted flowers he would send me to the Old Covent Garden at 4.30am to buy hundreds of pots of chrysanthemums which would then be sold off at the end of the day , thus serving a dual purpose as decoration and a means of recouping some of our costs .
18 Second hurdle , managed it a bit better , gave him the signal three strides from the jump , felt him lift off at the right time , felt his assurance flow back and his faith in me revive , even if provisionally .
19 We also have the latest in up-to-date technology — the TV set in the corner , which has a twin BBC-ITV facility , and , of course , a number of lights that can be turned on or off at the flick of a switch .
20 Arrangements to introduce the new system of central scheduling were to be announced this week , but were called off at the last minute .
21 She is aware of ‘ something lovely somewhere , something that is gone , or hidden , or yet to be attained ’ , but why this urge to scream her head off at the sight of an uncleared breakfast table ?
22 Five weeks earlier a bomb had gone off at the entrance to the underground car park below the flat he rented in central Hamburg .
23 These buildings were invariably well heated and conducive to ‘ nodding off at the end of a long day .
24 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
25 ‘ You can see that the plant account has been ruled off at the thirty-first of March 1894 .
26 Elizabeth , knowing her mother was a bad sailor , cried off at the last moment , claiming she was tired — she was surprised at the laughter that raised — and as she expected , her mother took the chance to stay behind with her .
27 Not a single vehicle passed , but after some time they heard the roar of bombs going off at the airfield .
28 If anybody put him off at the 17th it was me jumping up and down .
29 ‘ I thought of going out for some choc bars , ’ he would say , adding sotto voce as his daughter ran for her anorak , ‘ and I thought we might drop off at the gym/piano teacher's/library on the way … ’
30 Not only do we strip off at the beach , but we have brought the values of the beach inland .
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