Example sentences of "keep up to " in BNC.

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1 Keeping up to date , helping to improve skills for the off-farm job , and making contact with other farmers were other minor responses .
2 Radio Rentals take a pride in keeping up to date with new broadcasting technology .
3 For if he considers himself in some small way a specialist , not only can he spend a good proportion of his time teaching what he likes and probably , therefore , understands better , but he also has more of a chance of keeping up to date on his chosen subjects , particularly if he has support , as many of the teachers I observed had , from local subject advisers , associations or selective in-service programmes .
4 ‘ I really enjoy my job and especially like keeping up to date with all the modern styles , ’ says the enthusiastic young stylist from Hampshire .
5 She can give him chapter and verse on Finance Acts and other current legislation , and is rigorous in keeping up to date .
6 Having an overview also means being in the picture about your role and those of your subordinates and superiors in the company , about your company 's profile in the larger comparative corporate picture , and keeping up to date with all that 's new in your business or profession through professional organisations , the trade press and national newspapers .
7 Keeping up to date with developments in your own specialty can go a long way to adding to your confidence .
8 If you have another part-time job , or domestic commitments , then bank nursing can be a very flexible way of keeping up to date professionally .
9 In those days all aircrew had to take a six monthly Basic Efficiency Examination to ensure they were keeping up to date with equipment and training procedures .
10 As time passes , it becomes harder for workers to shift , but it is just a matter of absorption and keeping up to date , ’ he says .
11 The bar chart , built up as you go , shows you how you are keeping up to programme and teaches you about the idiosyncrasies of bar charts !
12 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
13 What is our mechanism for keeping up to date ?
14 By contrast , general purposive browsing describes the academic researcher who indulges in a similar activity of looking over books but with a serious purpose in mind , such as keeping up to date in his field or looking for new ideas .
15 If you work as an in-house solicitor , you will have responsibility for drafting and keeping up to date standard contract documents for use by your employer in the main business — from simple invoice terms and conditions of sale or purchase to those suitable for major projects and transactions and non-standard contracts for individual or complicated projects .
16 With regard to what he said about Stratford school , if he had taken rather more interest in the school when it was in the control of Newham and insisted on the school keeping up to reasonable standards and if he now put pressure on Newham LEA to ensure that it raised standards in schools , he would be doing more for his constituents than he is by his performance today .
17 Four activities , in , matter : the way in which teaching and learning are conducted , keeping up to date in a subject , applying a new technology and managing the sequence of review , improvement and change .
18 The examining teams are selected by the chief examiners and made up of practising bankers — members who are interested in keeping up to date and ‘ putting something back ’ into the profession .
19 Keeping up to date with the latest product developments can be a full time job , particularly in the scientific world .
20 That , er , Chairman , if I could say the thing that bothers me here is that , it always has done about food , is that we should be keeping up to date with information , all these decisions and all this advice .
21 It enables your staff to know themselves how well they 're doing their job , and if they 're keeping up to the mark .
22 Honeydew melons ripen slowly and will often keep up to a month , but smaller varieties will take less time to ripen .
23 It 's very important that you keep your international stance — but to also keep up to date on the more traditional demands of the women 's movement is important too .
24 In addition , employees with company mortgages may keep up to £1300 of the proceeds of the sale of their property when they move at the company 's request .
25 You can also keep up to date with your own subject in the Periodicals Reading Room .
26 Now your second question must be where do I get my information from , how do I keep up to date ?
27 And oddly enough one of my friends asked me only yesterday when he said what 's on your programme for next week , he said how on earth do you keep up to date ?
28 So with that alone you can keep up to date with income tax .
29 Whichever direction you go , you can keep up to date on your software for very little outlay .
30 Yeah erm tt well if I was you I 'd probably try and , and keep up to date with the stuff that 's happening now
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