Example sentences of "something to the " in BNC.

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1 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
2 She disappeared , then reappeared behind the counter and whispered something to the girl who was on duty there .
3 ‘ I mean , ’ he was saying to Caroline , 'she 'd bring something to the table and I 'd have to ask what it was .
4 Not for them the hollow reply , ‘ What meeting ? ’ when a call is made to check that they are bringing something to the pot luck supper at school that very evening .
5 They owed something to European social democracy , including the French experience of planning , and something to the planning experience of other parts of the developing world , notably India .
6 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
7 Mary Finnigan : It was at this time , when David flew out to Malta , then not only were we organising the Arts Lab but a free open air festival in Beckenham , David , having flown out to the Maltese song festival had sent Angie a postcard saying something to the effect that he was going to be in Italy and why did n't Angie come and join him , which she did , leaving me to sort out both the folk club and the free festival organised for Beckenham Park the following Sunday . ’
8 But whatever the proportion agreed with the taxman , the cost of superfluous luxury , of expensive servicing and of trading-in a fully-depreciated old faithful for a new machine would once again mean something to the wallet of Mr Toad 's great-grandson .
9 Jinny had made one attempt to say something to the boy , but Doyle stopped her immediately , catching hold of her chin and jerking her head away .
10 He was struggling to pull something to the top of the dunes .
11 Indeed , this lack of distinctiveness owed something to the changes which had occurred during the inter-war years .
12 Gregory of Tours and Bede both knew that the conversion of their peoples to Christianity had done something to the religion to which they were converted .
13 Much as he mistrusted almost every Irishman with whom he came in contact on the Continent ( Bishop Clement for his disrespect of patristic authority , the priest Sampson for his cavalier attitude to the baptismal rite , Virgil of Salzburg for sowing dissension between himself and the duke of Bavaria as well as for believing that the world was round ) , Boniface 's establishing of monasteries as the learned back-up to missionary work and his devotion to the papacy and to Rome both owed something to the Irish background in England .
14 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
15 Can they convey something to the visitors without being seen to do so ?
16 The Admiralty would probably say something to the effect that Crabb was testing highly secret equipment that could not be discussed in detail and had unfortunately drowned .
17 Then , not more than a week later , I was coming down the back corridor from the kitchen when Miss Kenton came out of her parlour and uttered a statement she had clearly been rehearsing ; this was something to the effect that although she felt most uncomfortable drawing my attention to errors made by my staff , she and I had to work as a team , and she hoped I would not feel inhibited to do similarly should I notice errors made by female staff .
18 One must be sure the dog would contribute something to the USA gene pool for the improvement and betterment of the breed .
19 Holding it up , he shouts something to the two Tibetans by the fire .
20 Others offer something to the ants in return for protection .
21 They are perhaps owe something to the tabloid newspapers and colour supplements , as these have emerged in the post-war years , with their high illustrative content and minimal text .
22 His first thought was to do something to the Volkswagen Passat .
23 The general appearance of the cars owed something to the American inter-urban , almost the only example of this type in Britain .
24 He said something to the Feldwebel and went out of the room .
25 It also did something to the plumbing , and it was decided not to keep us for the month we had been promised , but to billet us out to houses nearby .
26 It is easy to see why credo , ‘ I believe ’ , should be a dubious case : belief does seem to leave something to the discretion of a trustee , and there may well be doubt whether a rather tentative expression of belief sufficiently expresses a testator 's intention that a trust should be set up .
27 Indeed , many authors expect and require the reader to bring something to the text .
28 The man in the booth did something to the turnstile , then we all pushed in .
29 Frequently couples at their golden wedding celebration will say something to the effect of ‘ we made it a point never to go to bed angry ’ .
30 Nell said something to the owners and came to join me , stifling laughter .
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