Example sentences of "something have been " in BNC.

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1 It means something has been said or something has happened that has put the subject of the remark in an uncomfortable place .
2 In summing up we may say : something has been made visible which could not have been perceived without the effort to make it visible .
3 ‘ I hope that I shall not be taking up your time needlessly , ’ Catherine said , ‘ but something has been troubling me .
4 If something has been left for construction of a building for a town , the late emperor Marcus and Lucius Verus replied to Procula by rescript that each heir was liable for the whole .
5 ‘ Looks like something has been killed there does n't it , ’ she exclaimed Then she noticed the boys grinning .
6 What richness of tribal tradition and history was lost in the process is a depressing thought , But something has been saved from extinction .
7 And , most importantly , something has been seen to have been done .
8 Something has been done to help the historian to make sense of this abundance by publishing selections of material on certain important topics .
9 Anybody who has operated in business for more than five years knows that invariably in five years the business is not all right unless something has been done about it .
10 Freud 's view of science is not that of a simple empiricist , who assumes that , once something has been discovered in science , it remains true for all times , and that one day science will have discovered nearly all we need to know about the world and ourselves .
11 For one of Karl Barth 's disposition it could never be said that because something has been perceived to be natural by humankind , therefore it is the will of God .
12 If the risk of this happening leaves the prosecutor up a gum tree , it is apparent that the Crown Prosecution Service may have an interest in ensuring that something has been done prior to trial to remove the need for a dock identification , whether the police can see a use for one or not .
13 Once something has been said , it can not be unsaid .
14 Something has been killing rabbits and birds in the woods lately .
15 Something has been stealing the farmers ' chickens and carrying off the young sheep from the hills .
16 If you do not recognize that the question is implying that something has been selected , you will only answer a part and not the whole of it .
17 Why something is not done may be as significant as why something has been done .
18 Something has been created ( although it may not be " creative " in the other sense of the word ) .
19 Something has got to give and that something has been the vast majority of Third World people .
20 It is important for a project to have a definite goal and for the pupils to feel something has been achieved .
21 We need to find people to buy these places so that we can sort of balance the books , but one wonders , you know , could n't something have been done with that empty building for two years while there are folk in the area with nowhere to live .
22 Fraser 's book is not without its evident presuppositions , and not every reader will feel that this autobiographer , having perused and digested his tape-recordings , talked to his analyst and completed his inner and outer voyages , knew something radically different about his past from what he had known before : that something had been found , or proved .
23 The psychologists would say something had been repressed …
24 If only she had come in shouting ‘ What 's this ? ’ and chucked the lot at him , he would have felt something had been achieved .
25 The last comment was obviously wrong , although there remained a rather threadbare conviction that something had been achieved .
26 Something had been reclaimed , saved , changed from bad to good .
27 Something had been achieved , even though he was not quite sure how or what .
28 Something had been placed at the top of the steps , a human figure , bundled up in a blanket .
29 In the early days it had looked as if the directors would be the key men in Hollywood and from all over America men anxious to use the format to say something had been attracted to the movies .
30 Now what if something had been coming the other way ?
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