Example sentences of "provide the good " in BNC.

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1 The beginning of the end : Australia provided the best race of 1992
2 We made for the top front of the vehicle , as this provided the best all-round view .
3 The Catholic and especially Buddhist revivals were partially reactions to earlier activities of Protestant missionaries , who as part of their strategy to gain converts had produced polemical literature and established schools , including those which provided the best available English-language instruction .
4 Regional firms provided the best value for money , said 70% of executives , and only 6% endorsed London firms .
5 Public utilities such as electricity , gas , water and telecommunications provided the best examples of what were considered to be natural monopolies , although when technological advances are made , certain industries formerly classed as natural monopolies may cease to be so ( eg telecommunications ) .
6 Instead an agreement on Austria was concluded between the Great Powers in 1955 which provided the best European example of regulated neutrality , of a modern version of neutralisation .
7 If the patient is unconscious and the doctor is unaware of the objection , then provided the best interests of the patient test is satisfied , no liability attaches .
8 The management consultants who undertook this study concluded that , within the context of the two-tier system in administrative counties , area committees provided the best method of reconciling the rights of individuals with speed of decision , low cost and the interests of the wider community .
9 John Major said the latest inflation figures provided the best basis for recovery , both for output and employment .
10 Early herbicide treatments provide the best control , because older grass weed seedlings are more difficult to kill and also compromise yield .
11 For a would-be smallholder who can find the time and money , these probably provide the best possible combination of theoretical and practical training .
12 Which provide the best explanation for central-local conflicts ?
13 These projects which , it is argued , require more independent study and a wide use of library resources , frequently provide the best opportunity for offering bibliographic instruction and information skills tuition .
14 Provide the best food and water quality , and watch out for the others attacking it .
15 They therefore provide the best evidence for shifting settlement .
16 If the items truly reflect a developmental sequence , then , it is argued , the items immediately following the last items ticked , for a given child , provide the best focus for intervention .
17 The fluidity of Buid social groupings , and the ease with which the institution of sharing allows individuals to integrate into new groups , provide the best protections a weak society can have against predatory neighbours .
18 Despite the uncertainties , the unique , compact nature of the Sgr A radio source , and the high velocities of the ionized gas and stars close to the nucleus provide the best evidence for a concentrated mass of up to 3x10 6 M and ; .
19 Goals and values plus energy provide us with the vital information on motivation to perform and it is these variables which provide the best data on how an individual is likely to perform .
20 With shelves arranged geographically and sub-divided by country , it is the intention of the shop to define an area and then provide the best available publications pertinent to that place .
21 The manometer readings provide the best guide to circulatory volume and thus allow fluid replacement therapy to be accurately calculated .
22 It is usually impossible to meet the needs of every person at every service , but some congregational input into the choice of music is nevertheless valuable , for the people provide the best indication of what is appropriate and they have an important part in creating and maintaining the tradition of their church .
23 Recommendations for protecting yourself are given including a summary of the early signs of malignant melanoma — prompt recognition and diagnosis provide the best chance of protection .
24 It should be noted that the mail system and ERROR.LOG file often provide the best indication of the cause of the problem .
25 All the same , three of them provide the best available narrative and chronology , and their reliability must be examined in some detail .
26 Since published sources for instrument makers are extremely scarce the French archives provide the best ( and perhaps the only ) opportunity for new research on the Hotteterres .
27 Women 's Employment in 1924 recommended ‘ provincial towns and seaside places provide the best opening for starting a studio ; in large towns the competition is much greater ’ .
28 These motifs provide the best measure of affinity between this and the Chedworth mosaic , for the all-over arrangement frequently includes simplified motifs , e.g. fillings of guilloche mat and filled triangles , and includes features such as the flower with four heart-shaped petals , which are not comparable to motifs in the Chedworth mosaic .
29 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
30 ‘ Unitary authorities provide the best means for securing local services at the lowest cost . ’
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