Example sentences of "provide [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The policy document also provided for placatory gestures to the security forces and civil service , including guarantees of job security , pension packages and a general amnesty based on disclosure [ see also p. 39128 ] .
2 The modern legal aid scheme , which provides financial assistance ( subject to eligibility ) in connection with proceedings in most of our civil courts , has come a long way since 1495 when statute provided for poor people , at the discretion of the Lord Chancellor , to sue without payment to the Crown , and to have lawyers assigned to them without fee .
3 Malaysia , and to a lesser extent Indonesia , expressed concern at a November agreement which provided for increased US use of Singapore 's military facilities .
4 It also provided for increased powers for the provincial governments , including a veto for all provinces over future constitutional change .
5 It also provided for increased powers for the provincial governments , including a veto for all provinces over future constitutional change .
6 However , middle class observers were sensitive to the possibility that the working class husband might not provide ; after all , the bourgeois family model was favoured because of the work incentive it provided for working class men , which presupposed that such an incentive was necessary .
7 The draft also provided for additional aid to industry to improve its competitiveness .
8 There was another feature of the legislation , in that it provided for new ways of involving the public in plan preparation .
9 Twenty-nine countries — members of the North Atlantic Treaty organization ( NATO ) and the former Warsaw Pact , including the successor states to the Soviet Union — on June 5 signed a revised Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , which provided for sharp reductions in conventional weaponry and troop levels in Europe .
10 It provided for total investments of Epounds 14,500 million , of which Epounds 9,600 million would be allocated to the public sector and the balance to the private sector .
11 It provided for regular ministerial consultations including bi-annual foreign ministers ' meetings .
12 In 1978 the Mariana Islands ( excluding Guam ) had opted for status as a self-governing commonwealth of the USA , and in 1982 the FSM and the Marshall Islands had signed compacts of free association which provided for internal sovereignty and US economic support in return for continuing US control of their defence and foreign policies .
13 An agreement signed in Paris on Nov. 12 and worth several hundred million French francs ( the first F30,000,000 of which were to be spent in 1992 ) provided for French technical assistance to help Russia dismantle its nuclear weapons .
14 It has been suggested that guidance should be given to the profession relating to receipts which are being issued for redemption money on the redemption of feuduties in terms of Section 4 of the Land Tenure Reform ( Scotland ) Act , 1974 , the section which provided for voluntary redemption of feuduties at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas .
15 Were Lascars and Chinamen to benefit from the improvements in food , accommodation , repatriation etc. which it provided for British seamen ?
16 Nevertheless , there was constitutional advance , in the form of the Government of India Act of 1935 , which provided for responsible government in the provinces .
17 After his talks with Li , Maude said that he had been " encouraged " by the Chinese administration 's muted attitude to issues of contention between the UK and China , including the British Nationality ( Hong Kong ) Bill which provided for full British citizenship to be given to some 225,000 Hong Kong citizens .
18 It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils , but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad .
19 The agreement , which provided for soft loans or mixed credits over the next three years , was made on more generous terms than the £300,000,000 soft loan package extended in 1986 [ see p. 34675 ] .
20 Experience with the Town Development Act ( which provided for negotiated schemes of ‘ overspill ’ from congested urban areas to towns wishing to expand ) did not suggest that it would be easy to find sufficient sites .
21 The PS-PSC coalition agreement in Wallonia provided for significant increases in spending on education , housing , urban renewal and environmental protection .
22 Fifteen years of one-party rule ended formally on Nov. 30 when a new Constitution came into effect which provided for multiparty democracy and a free-market economy .
23 If Clinton is to keep faith with the electors , he will invest in jobs for the 10 million on the dole , provide for wide-ranging health care for all and implement drastic tax reforms .
24 The Law did not , however , provide for genuine representative government as demanded by many Hong Kong citizens , although it increased the number of directly elected seats to the Legislative Council to one-third of the total by 1997 .
25 According to the Limited Partnerships ( Unrestricted Size ) No 1 Regulations 1971 , which provide for limited partnerships in surveying and allied professions beyond the usual maximum of twenty members , not more than one quarter of the total number of partners can be limited partners .
26 They invest them in various ways and at the end of the day you can use that erm policy to actually top up your pension or provide for increased family benefits and because it 's a the administration costs er costs are sort of less than than you get with erm you know sort of taking out a policy with an individual company , on a one off basis .
27 The components provide for automatic on-line retry as a way to achieve high system availability , AT&T says , adding that software fault tolerance can be provided in an application whether or not the underlying hardware or operating system is fault-tolerant .
28 ( 11 ) Provide for vacant possession .
29 Modern research shows that industry had its roots in the previous rural life of home weavers and part-time farmers , that technological innovations ( such as Abraham Darby 's use of coal in smelting iron , 1709 ) took many decades to supplant existing methods of production and provide for successful exports , and that early reliance on water power and canal transport placed limits on expansion .
30 Law centres vary in the services that they provide for individual clients .
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