Example sentences of "party to [art] " in BNC.

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1 It gave effect to the policy of the law that the parties to a judicial decision should not afterwards be allowed to re-litigate the same question , even though the decision might be wrong .
2 No Bishop of Durham could ever forget , or was ever allowed to forget , how one of his predecessors Westcott mediated in a bitter strike ; how a vast crowd stood outside Auckland Castle , seeing the owners through the windows of one room and the miners through the windows of another , waiting for five hours as they watched the bishop go to and fro between the two rooms ; until he brought the parties to a happy agreement , and when he came out among the crowd he received an ovation .
3 In practice , he was likely to be related through descent and marriage to any parties to a dispute ; and as an elderly and respected man he might try to prevent the scandal of open quarrelling among close kinsmen .
4 Originally , the Six Clerks were supposed to be the attorneys in court of the parties to a Chancery suit .
5 ‘ Though we have seen much of the liberality of Nevada practice , ’ he told them , ‘ we assume that even in that forward-looking jurisdiction , parties to a case of divorce may not litigate by day and copulate by night . ’
6 Safeguards should be available to protect individual investors and ensure that all parties to a takeover are treated equally .
7 Exclusion from the Regulation will , therefore , expose the parties to a merger to fines ; attack of the legal validity of the merger in the national courts ; and parallel national competition investigations .
8 Though the refusal of one of the parties to a dispute to make an oath was admissible as evidence in British courts , these other ways of trying cases were generally ignored or disapproved of by the colonial authorities .
9 12.3 In the event that any such dispute or difference can not be settled amicably the matter in dispute or difference may be referred by any of the Parties to a single arbitrator to be appointed by the Parties hereto or failing agreement within 28 days after being requested to concur in such appointment , according to the provisions of the Arbitration Acts , 1950 and 1979 or any statuary re-enactment or amendment thereof for the time being in force shall apply thereto .
10 A second qualification to the basic proposition is that the parties to a contract are usually required to observe recognized standards of behaviour .
11 that the right of the parties to a conflict to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited ;
12 The four 1949 Geneva Conventions reflect the principle that parties to a conflict should spare the wounded , prisoners of war , and civilians as much as possible from the effect of armed conflict and occupation .
13 Animals can not be parties to a lawsuit , or be said to be guilty , they can not be subject to the duties that attach to rights .
14 To counter this development , Pope Clement VI called the main parties to a conference at Avignon in October 1344 .
15 provides a neutral law for parties to a contract neither of whom is willing to accept the law of the other 's country ;
16 If both parties to a contract use standardization , the upshot may be a ‘ battle of the forms ’ .
17 Determining the parties to a treaty is usually straightforward , although there can be problems of substance and evidence .
18 Accordingly the Vienna Convention on International Organisations provides that organisations can be third parties to a treaty and defines ‘ third States ’ and ‘ third organisations ’ .
19 While the parties , and hence third parties , to treaties and international proceedings may be readily identified , it may be more complex to identify the parties to a conflict or dispute .
20 This draft also has a separate provision relating to the imposition of conditions by the parties to a treaty , which a third party must observe if it wishes to take advantage of the relevant right .
21 Article 60 , for example , distinguishes between all States parties to a treaty , and a State party which is ‘ specially affected ’ by a material breach by another party .
22 The procedural provisions in Articles 65–68 distinguish between ‘ parties ’ ( presumably to the treaty ) and ‘ parties to a dispute ’ .
23 However with respect to the ground for invalidity which is most pertinent to the community interest , conflict with a norm of jus cogens , only the ‘ parties to a dispute ’ can invoke the special procedure in Article 66 ( a ) , although that procedure is compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice .
24 The parties to a treaty may utilise specific devices to bind third parties to a treaty regime or to guarantee the provisions of the treaty .
25 The parties to a treaty may utilise specific devices to bind third parties to a treaty regime or to guarantee the provisions of the treaty .
26 It is desirable that as many parties to a conflict as possible apply the humanitarian provisions of the Conventions , and Article 2 facilitates this goal .
27 The Permanent Court held that although the parties to a treaty could bestow rights upon a third party there was a presumption against this , a presumption which Poland had not rebutted .
28 In Oscar Chinn Judge Schucking thought that parties to a treaty which had placed restrictions upon conflicting treaties concluded by less than the full complement of parties to the former treaty , could regard as invalid a subsequent treaty concluded by a minority to the first treaty .
29 Some of its activities have modified the understandings of the operation of the Convention , in effect constituting amendment through practice where there are no parties to a treaty in force .
30 The parties to a bilateral agreement can not impose these wider obligations on third parties , notably the other two Gulf States , Saudi Arabia and Jordan .
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