Example sentences of "call for a " in BNC.

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1 If your technique is delivered after the referee called for a halt , then as well as not scoring you may also pick up a penalty .
2 A student union called for a one-day strike at local colleges .
3 This seems to be the view of Lord Donaldson , that truly sagacious Master of the Rolls , who has just called for a new corps of paralegal ‘ civil justices ’ to get people like me off the hook .
4 ONE of the most important wage claims in the pay round was submitted yesterday when leaders of Ford 's 33,000 manual workers called for a double figure increase .
5 This further sign of disunity among the opposition comes just as the former president , Valery Giscard d'Estaing , who is also the leader of the UDF , has called for a fusion of the seven parties of the centre-right into ‘ one big party of the centre-right by the beginning of 1992 ’ .
6 IN A RARE display of consensus last week , industry , consumers ' organisations and the environmental movement called for a national committee to examine the social and ethical implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering of plants and animals , Tom Wilkie writes .
7 In East Berlin , the well-known opposition figure , Pastor Rainer Eppelmann , said the talks set an example for the whole country , and called for a two-week period of calm on the streets .
8 They welcomed last month 's initiative by Mr Bush and called for a summit with him within 90 days .
9 He named the food supply crisis as the most important question of all , and called for a great ‘ crusade , against speculators and the ‘ kulak' , that recurring bogeyman of the regime until 1928 .
10 Sir John Hoskyns , a former head of Mrs Thatcher 's Policy Unit , has called for a radical reform of the government system if the effort to transform the economy is to succeed .
11 On 23 June , Roy Grantham , General Secretary of APEX , called for a limit of 500 on the number of pickets , and on 24 June , the TUC issued the following statement :
12 The National Rivers Authority in Wales has called for a ban on conifer plantations in sensitive areas , but Nicholas Luard and the Bara Ceirch group feel they need to act more quickly to save the river .
13 Vice-President of the London Tourist Board ( LTB ) , Lord Pitt of Hampstead , has called for a London-wide authority to plan and co-ordinate development in the capital .
14 However the Occupational Pensions Board called for a pensions tribunal and Tony Thurham , chairman of the Association of Pensions Lawyers , said : ‘ Many pensions lawyers would have preferred a tribunal since it would probably have had greater powers and more staff .
15 Groups demanding an autonomous Sikh state have already called for a boycott of the elections .
16 The Hindu rightwing Bharatiya Janata party yesterday condemned the massacre and called for a strike in Patiala today in protest against what a party spokesman in New Delhi described as ‘ criminal neglect by the administration to protect innocent people ’ .
17 Dr Andrei Sakharov and other leading radicals have called for a two-hour general strike on Monday to put pressure on the Congress of People 's Deputies , the country 's supreme legislative body .
18 Delegates at the congress , in East Berlin 's Dynamo sports hall , last night called for a ‘ grassroots renewal ’ and said they were bitter and disappointed over the ‘ criminal acts ’ of their former leaders .
19 CHURCHMEN and intellectuals in East Germany , worried about the new , aggressive tone that has crept into the emotional issue of reunification , yesterday warned against confrontation and called for a temporary end to mass street demonstrations .
20 Opposition groups are preparing to take on the Communist Party in Bulgaria 's first free elections for more than 40 years which are to be fixed by next May , but dissident leaders have called for a postponement .
21 In East Berlin , Pastor Rainer Eppelmann , chairman of Democratic Awakening , called for a transitional government to be installed before Christmas .
22 Tens of thousands demonstrated last night in the Romanian capital after reports of at least 20 deaths there earlier in the day , and students at the heart of the protest movement have called for a general strike today .
23 New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer 's speech to the United Nations General Assembly that month called for a global ban , and spelt out the effect that drift-netters were having on the fragile fishing-based economies of the South Pacific .
24 In December Sikh terrorists called for a ban on radio broadcasts in Hindi , and to press home their point shot dead the station director of All India Radio at Chandigarh .
25 Although he insists there will be no change in France 's basic strategy , President Mitterrand has called for a national debate on defence .
26 Other strikes ( notably among Warsaw 's transport workers ) have called for a loosening of the government 's tight monetary policy and an end to wage control .
27 Some have called for a boycott of the elections , but most are likely to back the faction of the Akali Dal , the Sikh political party , led by a former police officer , Simranjit Singh Mann .
28 The ‘ Fouchet plan ’ that ensued called for a summit every four months ; for foreign , defence and education ministers to meet regularly ; and for a special secretariat .
29 When the leader of the Wehrmacht unit at the end of his speech for the remembrance called for a ‘ Sieg Heil ’ for the Führer , it was returned neither by the Wehrmacht present , nor by the Volkssturm , nor by the spectators of the civilian population who had turned up .
30 Seventeen years later the Congregational Union 's Executive called for a Nonconformist equivalent but nothing came of it .
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