Example sentences of "never the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Fighters who have been in with him are never the same again , ’ he said last week .
2 ‘ They were never the same again , ’ Moran said .
3 Bira was never the same when he drove without Chula . ’
4 Broke your mother 's heart they tell me , she was never the same after . ’
5 He was never the same player again , still in with a chance going into the last round but then fading away with a 75 .
6 I found myself hanging on to that spirit , first at the office of Policia de Investigationes del Peru ( motto : ‘ Honor y Lealtad ’ ) where it was never the same man on my case .
7 With Troon built horse-shoe shaped , the wind was never the same .
8 She sums up the situation by saying that the reconstituted family is never the same as the biological family .
9 But butterflies are never , never the same .
10 It 's never the same from one day to the next . ’
11 Wherever he was there would be a woman , but never the same woman for very long .
12 Whatever , he was never the same person again , and seemed to care less and less about the band and the music until he announced , mid-tour in 1970 , that he was leaving .
13 While life continued normally on the surface , it was never the same .
14 This took place in 1810 , and though a reconciliation was arranged in 1812 things were never the same again .
15 When it does , when the populace is stirred with a great idea — for good or evil — then such philosophy is never the same again .
16 Becoming a mother as a young woman is a powerful initiation process ; life is never the same again .
17 From the mid-50s , things were never the same at Bosigran .
18 He were never the same when he came off mainline .
19 She said there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called … bromeliads , I think , and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and once you know the world is full of things like that your life is never the same . ’
20 Nevertheless , a billion excitable spike-heads shout ‘ Bog off , daddy-o ! ’ as the Sex Pistols embark on a king-hell programme of sulphate-snorting , icon-busting magnificence , and the cosmos is never the same again .
21 Lawenham was never the same without him ; by 1568 it paid only half as much tax as Long Melford , compared with two-and-a-half times as much in 1524 , and its place had been usurped by Hadleigh , which had paid only three-fifths of Lavenham 's quota in 1524 , yet now ranked as the third town in Suffolk after Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich .
22 The title of Stead 's ( 1987 ) book on women and the strike — Never the Same Again — encapsulates this .
23 His certainty , his sense of direction , his belief in himself disintegrated alongside his career , and the Nizan household was never the same again .
24 And as for social workers — it 's never the same one twice .
25 But it was never the same .
26 Not a good move , as it turned out , because Mrs Dysart drowned in that stretch of river in 1963 and Gordon , never the same man again , died two years later , during Alan 's first year at Oxford , making him a wealthy man overnight .
27 My answer is never the same .
28 This is never the same as boarding the line 's ‘ prestige ’ service at your own station .
29 Bolton were never the same after that .
30 Notice that the extraction set is almost never the same as the denotation of the noun qualified .
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