Example sentences of "never [been] seen " in BNC.

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1 The work of this major artist has never been seen in any depth in Europe .
2 This will be a show the like of which has never been seen .
3 That it did not do so may in part be due to the late H.H. Mayberry , from Marshall County , Tennessee , who in the early 1880s paid a stranger from Nova Scotia $36 ( about $800 in today 's money ) for four of the goats on the strength of their ‘ strange fits or fainting spells , the like of which had never been seen before ’ .
4 We looked , and though we never said so , we believed that we alone had seen these things , that they had never been seen before .
5 Whatever , Carmody is an unassailable optimist who has never been seen in anything other than sprayed-on black jeans , winkle-pickered Chelsea boots , leather jacket and cap .
6 Premonition , who had never been seen with any chance in the Derby , won the 1953 St Leger .
7 It is the occasional unknown specimen which can prove unnerving , the creature which has never been seen before in any swamp or tropical rainforest , mountain cave , zoo or bestiary …
8 He also made some excellent pictures of the floating city of Bangkok and its inhabitants , which had never been seen in the west .
9 And what I wanted to know was , why had O and Boy never been seen to look at each other ?
10 Diana , it seems , has no critics within the portals of San L 's , as the Sloanes call it , and it is little wonder that Prince Charles has never been seen descending its stairs .
11 In all her years in St Mary 's Eve Malone had never been seen by the other girls to perform one menial task .
12 Never been seen since .
13 It was a fleet whose like had never been seen before , vast hulks of crudely fashioned wood propelled by massive tread wheels and gigantic sails .
14 Financial need , even on the part of a close relative , has apparently never been seen as a situation which required an automatic response .
15 Sun was expected to display it at PC Expo this summer but Snoopy has never been seen except behind closed doors .
16 One lawyer at the French court observed that it had ‘ never been seen or known for the kingdom of France to be subjected to the government of the king of England ’ .
17 Epsilon consists of an extremely luminous supergiant , perhaps over 100000 times as powerful as the Sun , together with a mysterious companion which has never been seen , and is known only because it periodically passes in front of the supergiant and dims it by about a magnitude .
18 It has never been seen again , though it has been given an official variable star designation : T Boo¨tis .
19 Yes , and I have even added in a few pictures which have never been seen before .
20 That has never been seen as a constituent of self regulation , and I doubt whether any government would be willing to divert so many responsibilities already assigned to other existing bodies ( for example , the Medical Research Council and the Committee on Safety of Medicines ) — better qualified to carry them out — and concentrate them in the GMC alone under the sole control of the profession .
21 Still others are named , are known to have been in circulation , but have never been seen .
22 By the water 's edge the king 's son split the last reed , and a beautiful girl came out , so beautiful that her like has never been seen before or since .
23 All the svats were astonished , and said among themselves , " Such a horse has never been seen , save in the stable of the Voinovitchs !
24 A bigger waste of time has never been seen , for that legislation will be overturned by this Bill .
25 The abundant rains that came in the weeks previous to Gould 's arrival had attracted birds in their thousands , some nf which had never been seen in the area before .
26 As he said at the time : ‘ I 've never been seen naked in any bed , never .
27 Four hundred aircraft from fifty airforces , fourteen aerobatic teams , some planes which have never been seen in Britain before .
28 Seven of the paintings have never been seen before by the public .
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