Example sentences of "never [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he never fought Dadda .
2 " You must promise me , " he says , " never to wear mourning . "
3 ‘ One must never think things like that without proof . ’
4 Do n't never think animals do n't know . ’
5 Phyllisia found friendship in someone who was the opposite to Marian — Edith , she was poor and therefore dressed in scruffy clothes , she had gone against her father 's orders of never to see Edith again .
6 You ought never to see nutrient deficiencies because they are a sign of incorrect feeding .
7 If he refused to sign , he was never to see Constanze again .
8 Rufus was never to see Anselm again without the question being raised .
9 If a theory of normal language processing were proposed in which there were a single processing system responsible for dealing with spoken language — a system used both for perceiving and for producing speech — then one ought never to see patients with intact speech perception and impaired speech production , nor patients with the opposite disorder .
10 As a family we never to go grips with the idea of holidays .
11 I have never hated hyenas : their occasional maniacal laughter and their eerie whooping cries are among my earliest memories .
12 I really , I 've never hated people as much as I hate the teachers in this school .
13 Well you 'll never eliminate leakage because leakage is a global term for water that we ca n't account for .
14 Research will never eliminate risk , but it minimizes it .
15 These immediate-return hunter-gatherers never suffer anxiety about the future of food supplies and are characterized by improvident , generous , happy-go-lucky personalities .
16 From this point of view the French have never regarded fascism as an aberration , concurring rather with Césaire and Fanon that it can be explained quite simply as European colonialism brought home to Europe by a country that had been deprived of its overseas empire after World War I. French poststructuralism , therefore , involves a critique of reason as a system of domination comparable to that of the Frankfurt School , but rather than setting up the possibility of a purged reason operating in an unblocked , ideal speech situation as a defence against tyranny and coercion in the manner of a Habermas , it reanalyses the operations of reason as such .
17 But Frances never neglects Joanne , the only child still living at home .
18 He stood quite close to her and he said , ‘ I do n't know who you are , lass , never clapped eyes on you , and from the look of you an' your voice you 're not the kind wor Robbie would pick up with .
19 Never lay crops directly on the floor where it is possible they could suffer from the effects of damp and poor air circulation , and arrange produce according to its preference : the roots nearer to the cool floor , and onions and marrows close to the ceiling where it is slightly warmer .
20 I never judge individuals in moments of comfort and convenience and certainly not by self praise .
21 I mean some people were quite willing to answer it and they were quite willing to say what stereotypes they usually employ and others j er just clam up and said , oh I never judge people , and I thought yeah liar doing all the time ? biggest gossips in the office and she 's never got a good word to say about anyone , she 's always digging the dirt but when I presented her with it , I never try to judge people .
22 Asked once about how long he thought the movie industry could last , he snapped : ‘ I never make predictions , especially about the future ’ .
23 Men never make passes at girls who wear glasses .
24 Well they never make things er bombproof do they ?
25 Never make love badly .
26 Others continue the hostility into adulthood and never make peace with their brothers and sisters — a phenomenon called sibling rivalry .
27 However , what this assumes is that the police never make decisions to de-politicise crime , which they plainly do in their endeavour to argue that many assaults by whites upon black are not racist in their intent , merely matters of public order .
28 Never make eye contact .
29 Remember , machine knitters never make mistakes , they just invent new stitch patterns !
30 This is not to imply that we need always be certain nor never make mistakes ; but in cases of doubt we should nonetheless be ready with some description : I see something black and circular in the road , I hear creaks and rustlings downstairs .
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