Example sentences of "never [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 That was never part of my business or intention .
2 Eriugena himself was never part of the Carolingian ecclesiastical establishment and worked directly under the private patronage of Charles the Bald .
3 Chopsticks were never part of Thai culture ; a spoon and fork replace hands these days .
4 I have seen individual bream feeding , with the rest of the shoal out of sight , but never part of a shoal feeding together .
5 The custom — like that of the maypole — was revived in some areas , but at Cragg Vale in the nineteenth century , adornment of the springs was never part of the celebrations .
6 It was never part of God 's intention that poverty should be the norm for economic life .
7 He put forward the unconvincing view that an election was never part of the plan .
8 In the south of the parish is Ashington Wood , and field examination of this shows that there are no ridge and furrow earthworks inside , so it was never part of the open arable fields , and it has a large bank and ditch surrounding it , characteristic of medieval woodland boundaries .
9 And yet Bobby Beasley and Nicolaus Silver were so nearly never part of the National story .
10 Basil Boothroyd , says Cowley , was ‘ never editor of Punch ’ .
11 But er , I never , never sort of thought about the Guild , going to the Guild erm at all really , because erm mother , I say , was in the Guild till she died in nineteen forty-three .
12 In Walsall Wood erm as I say , we used to have er two big bags full on a Fri Friday and then in the week we could go up but you 've got your bread but , you know , yo the men would be , I can just picture them with their little , all this pretty coloured paper would all be in little piles and when there were no customers , they would be wrapping the rice , the raisins , the currants , all in these pretty papers you see and they knew , I mean you 'd ask them for currants and they never sort of knew , I did n't quite understand how they could pick by , it 'd be by the paper you see .
13 The they 're never sort of given feeble excuses , we are erm very truthful with them , i in order to make them understand that , you know , there are limitations erm within our jobs as well , cos a lot of people expect things , and erm you may promise them , well other people may promise them , and it 's not delivered then of course it 's sort of them and us , and we , we try to dispel that idea , it 's not them
14 It , we never sort of slackened off at all and in those days there was so much brass to be cleaned and scrubbing to be done and cleaning .
15 Sometimes you dream things that you 've never sort of c Have you finished with engines ?
16 No I 've never sort of come across him .
17 No I 've met , I 've never sort of come across him .
18 Well he 's like that different taste , never sort of with Christopher stands for what he likes and what he does n't like , shall we mix it round a bit more to mix in ?
19 I was pleased really cos er that way I never sort of missed any overtime .
20 I 've never sort of seen one alright
21 Oh yeah I never sort of like give it here or else and all this power , I would state my case firmly , but then I .
22 and the other one was erm a mother of two and she said that even when she was younger she was always overweight and she could never sort of go out with anybody nice and she just settled for anybody sort of thing , I felt sorry for her husband , mind you saying this like , cos he looked a bit thick and er
23 Never , never , never sort of , never get so carried away with your own position that you think that you are the only source and the fount of all wisdom on , on any particular story .
24 And , and I think all the time what the leaflet does is give options , it 's never directoral and never goes , never sort of overstates , it 's just giving a range of options .
25 ‘ Was there never sign of a boat having put over from Parfois by night ?
26 He quotes Occam 's razor but never dreams of applying it to most of the controversies he refers to , and , ironically over macroevolution , thinks that some of the recent speculations ‘ must inhibit the penchant for ‘ story-telling ’ and the glib explanation ’ , of the neo-Darwinists .
27 Fourthly , the appellants were never auditors of B. & C. That does not seem to me in any sense to be conclusive since the inquiry is into the affairs of Atlantic of which the appellants were auditors and as to representations made about it before acquisition .
28 This relation was most apparent among never users of oral contraceptives , although similar trends were found among current and former users .
29 Higher rates of symptomatic gall bladder disease were seen among smokers in each oral contraceptive group , although the trend was only significant for never users of the pill .
30 For them the commitments which , as they now admit , would have destroyed our security were never issues of principle but bargaining ploys , chips on the table , mere tactics .
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