Example sentences of "try to make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think there are certain statements that we would have liked to make and that I will try to make on behalf of the group before we get into the sort of proposals we would like to see .
2 There was nothing for it but to attempt a take-off and try to make for Tobruk .
3 When alarmed , these animals usually try to make for cover , seeking out their burrows or some other hiding place where they can wedge themselves in as tightly as possible .
4 I wo n't even agree to having you partnering me at all these functions I have to attend as part of the job — and I 'll take whatever trouble you try to make for me — if you carry on treating me as you have been doing .
5 Her eyes were searching the corners , scanning the farthest recesses of the dungeon that someone had tried to make into the semblance of a comfortable apartment .
6 this was the very cable I have formerly been trying to make without success .
7 That 's right I know , but see this is , you see this is the point I 'm trying to make to you , you can quite happily do it in your own way , but the problem is you do n't know what you 're doing , right , and , and if you actually knew what you were doing and well aware of what you 're doing you would do it a hundred times better and you would do it all the time , right
8 I will not yield to the temptation to reflect on the problems that face this university and the Centre for Continuing Education as part of it , but I think that it 's fair to say that in the future we will be hard put to maintain the volume and variety of the contribution we have been trying to make to adult education in the community .
9 Lee Walker , of the Football League , said the deal which Tyne Tees was trying to make with Middlesbrough FC did not meet contractual obligations .
10 But BitC was an outfit with drive , enthusiasm , and a determination to make the sort of changes in society that Charles had been trying to make for years .
11 This has a shuffling joss-sticky booga-booga spook beat and a strange haircut ; this is the record that Pop Will Eat Itself have been trying to make for the past 24 months , the grinning idiot love-child of Mr Desmond Drugmusic and Mrs Winnie Indiewhine brought up in a radical lesbian commune in Vancouver , Canada and fed on a diet of black pudding and Ecstasy .
12 Bethlehem House … of course … that 's where the Prophet would be trying to make for , if anywhere .
13 The point I am trying to make from all this is that to win a karate bout needs two things — your ability to defeat the opponent and the referee panel 's ability to recognise your superior performance .
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