Example sentences of "try [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 For a few seconds the sepoy tried discreetly to shoo her away , hoping to be able to continue unobserved his stealthy creeping through the jungle .
2 And the judge tried effectively to ‘ settle ’ the matter by dealing with it through the ordinary channels of taxation .
3 The best policy is to try not to be placed in a position where you risk serious criticism on account of your behaviour .
4 Later in the campaign his media advisers tried desperately to ‘ create ’ a new Dukakis by injecting comments such as ‘ I am a liberal , I am against capital punishment but I would feel like killing the person who harmed my wife and children . ’
5 Burying his face into the warm living darkness of Wolf 's fur , he tried desperately to wall away the sickening pulse .
6 On feet that tried desperately to be silent , Belinda crept away , not stopping or turning round until she reached the looming mass of the house .
7 Clarissa tried not to be disarmed , tried to fathom why such self-denigration was being paraded so abjectly before someone who only last week had been a figure of insult and derision .
8 Cameron III was embarrassed by the Smash Hits following and tried not to be a teen idol , whereupon he was celebrated all the more .
9 And though they tried not to be sad as she had asked , many were in tears as they listened to the reading Kelly had chosen .
10 Mourners tried not to cry yesterday , but most failed .
11 She tried not to .
12 On the outside of the rampart there was an astonishing collection of white skeletons which he tried not to look at but which rattled unpleasantly as the jackals took to their heels at his approach .
13 He thought , once again , how large she looked and yet how vulnerable , wearing nothing but her nightdress , kneeling on the floor in front of him so that he could see , although he tried not to , the tops of her ample breasts .
14 Marilla tried not to laugh , but she could n't stop herself .
15 She tried not to blush , but could feel the heat creeping into her face .
16 Lucy tried not to be pushy , and Josie slowly thawed .
17 You did not have to be there in person in order to kill by poison ; in fact , you probably tried not to be .
18 She tried not to even consider the soft swell of his expressive mouth , and gabbled on to break the tense atmosphere .
19 She tried to look at the thing calmly and sensibly , tried not to be aware of Deana and Sarah whispering at a table only a few yards distant , but felt too hurt and shocked to be rational .
20 She tried not to worry , but the thought of coming face to face with the handsome , the dashing Miguelito made her heart thump in her chest .
21 As they drove up to the main door Louise tried not to be emotional .
22 Well I tried not to , but
23 so he tried not to look but he 's , you know
24 The hero must be challenged and tormented , he must be bamboozled and tried up to breaking point before he is permitted to claim the prize , before , in fact , he is able properly to call himself a hero .
25 After a time he began to whisper in a voice that tried now to be soft and gentle , in complete contrast to his alarm calls : ‘ Come on , Minch , you ca n't really be so ill that you ca n't show me your face just for a moment , or let me hear the ruffle of one of your wings .
26 ( The knife was a rather blunt penknife , not the sharp sheath knife Nick had hoped for , but it was better than nothing , and Carrie tried hard to be pleased with her Bible because Nick was grinning so slyly . )
27 Pastor Albani urged his congregation to follow Christ 's way of non-violence : ‘ We must try not to be another lot of historical victors … hold to God 's word and love your neighbour as yourself . ’
28 ‘ You 'd better get back on duty , Nurse , and do try not to be so impulsive .
29 For one thing , although she was a distraction , she did try not to be .
30 So if I do become slack , and I shall try not to , you will , I know , forgive as you always do .
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