Example sentences of "against the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Once more among his Party faithful in Nuremberg in September 1938 , his proclamation contained the usual cliché about the infant Nazi Party beginning the fight against the greatest enemy threatening the German people , international Jewry , and a few days later , still at the Party Rally , he attempted to justify Germany 's attempts to rid itself of its Jews by the stereotype reference to an over-populated country .
2 For most of these volunteers the war represented a kind of crusade against the greatest evil of the day : fascism , as represented by General Franco 's Nationalist rebels and their Italian and German allies .
3 None of these measures to protect and augment the inheritance , however , were proof against the greatest misfortunes that could befall a noble family in the fourteenth century , failure of heirs and political miscalculation .
4 The Nuremberg courts rejected the plea of the defendants that they were only obeying the community standards of their day , since the gravity of their crimes had to be weighed against the highest moral standards of humanity , not the customs of the age or the community .
5 In hand-to-hand combat the enemy fights against the highest WS of the chariot crew .
6 In Guatemala , grass roots organisations are battling against the highest rates of infant mortality , malnutrition and illiteracy in Central America .
7 Equally if one lived in a society where everybody was constantly protesting against the smallest governmental peccadillo life would become intolerable .
8 Conner yesterday sailed against the newest of Bill Koch 's contenders , Kanza , amid mounting ridicule of Bill Koch 's impetuous decisions about who steers his boats .
9 Rechem has responded with a rather desperate open-door policy aimed at soothing fears , and more recently by issuing about a dozen writs against the fiercest critics .
10 Depressed , she leaned back in her seat , resting her head against the headrest while staring unseeingly at the hills and at the Esk River winding its way through the valley .
11 It would pin him up against the nearest wall and try to eat his clothes , or chase him until his cries of fright attracted everyone 's amused attention .
12 He had also developed such affection for his owner , and had become so possessive of her , that if he saw her stroking another horse , he would roar with rage and throw himself sideways against the nearest fence , cutting and scraping his skin so that it bled .
13 He finally slumped against the nearest crate and stared at the dimpled area around the bung .
14 The crimson rope-lights whipped forward effortlessly and the boy who had glared angrily at the Robemaker was forced back against the nearest furnace .
15 Balor leaned back against the nearest Tree and Snodgrass unpacked the food and spread it out .
16 Instinct was telling her to collapse against the nearest tree and cry like a baby , but instinct could go and chase itself .
17 If that had happened in my day , those players would have had him up against the nearest wall and sorted it out .
18 This was to be Boomer 's last appearance in the Ryder Cup , although he was still quite clearly a good enough player to hold his own against the best of the Americans .
19 Incredibly , certain countries continue their whaling activities against the best scientific and conservationist advice .
20 England , whose three-man team comprises Steve Davis , Jimmy White and John Parrott , will defend their title against the best players from Scotland , Wales , Northern Ireland , the Republic of Ireland , Canada , Australia and the Rest of the World .
21 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
22 To be the best you must surely play against the best .
23 One advantage is that the students are not in competition with each other , as each student 's achievement is assessed against the criteria laid down and not against the best student .
24 Officials who get through the qualifying round will be able to compete against the best in the world and there will also be prizes by British divisions .
25 Against Ireland the English backs showed wit , poise , passing skills and pace enough to set against the best .
26 ‘ I would like to spend one year here , continue my studies and test myself against the best British players . ’
27 ‘ I had one season in the old First Division with Portsmouth and it 's great to get another opportunity to show what I can do against the best in the country .
28 I 'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best .
29 Both men point to one factor that makes the club unique : when they do n't have Division Four matches , they play traditional fixtures against the best English and Welsh clubs .
30 ‘ In an ideal world I would win the crown against the best fighter , the champion , but that does not look likely and I 'm saddened by it . ’
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