Example sentences of "way which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To Michael Powell documentary was nothing more than a refuge for ‘ disappointed feature filmmakers or out-of-work poets ’ , but the wartime films he made within an immensely fruitful collaboration ( the Archers ) with the Hungarian Emeric Pressburger , with the two of them sharing credits for production , direction and screenwriting , take on documentary concerns in ways which indicate that the absorption of the documentary filmmakers into commercial filmmaking was only an incidental part of a process with roots deep in wartime culture .
2 In a situation of panic , in an army , for example , there is a loss of the libidinal ties which hold the group together , and people behave in ways which take no account of the group : it is each man for himself ; orders are ignored .
3 By the second year three of the districts were moving towards what Ham and Matthews call " real " purchasing : needs assessment , evaluating service effectiveness , establishing priorities and beginning to make changes in ways which take account of consumer views ( Ham and Matthews 1991 : 21 ) .
4 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
5 For it is not clear that the generative or productive motions which ‘ cause ’ a circle really are put forward as ‘ efficient ’ causes ; Hobbes has a tendency to speak of them in ways which make it not inappropriate to think of them in terms of some notion of ‘ formal ’ cause .
6 Education is rarely named by providers for fear of alienation and women are talked about in ways which make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end .
7 But there may be cases where the landlord absolves his tenant from performance in ways which release the other covenantors .
8 It is about ways of organising learning activities so that children expect and are able to help one another , to share ideas , to comment constructively upon one another 's work , to recognise and use one another 's resources in ways which support and enhance learning .
9 Indeed , workers can adapt in ways which support the organisation ( Fox , 1971 , p.33 ) .
10 By assessing existing experience and considering possible alternative forms of intervention in the development process , a full evaluation can be made of the potential contribution of planning gain to regulating the development of rural land in ways which protect and enhance countryside habitat , landscape and amenity .
11 Types of racism which do not conform to this model are either ignored , marginalized , or ‘ redescribed ’ in ways which deny their independent significance .
12 In a wider cultural perspective , this was the period too of Fascism and Stalinism , of the apparent collapse of socialist revolutionary possibilities in the advanced capitalist countries , and of the emergence within ‘ Western Marxism ’ of varied attempts ( by Lukács , by Gramsci and by the Frankfurt School , to which Adorno belonged ) to adapt Marxist theory in ways which took account of these developments .
13 The zeal for the development of spiritual life , which had flowered in Europe from the tenth to the twelfth centuries , had resulted in the reform of the Benedictine monasticism of the West and the emergence of Orders — Cluniac , Cistercian and Carthusian — committed to living apart in various communal ways which stressed above all the individual inner spiritual growth of their members .
14 Merely surviving in male systems , let alone trying to challenge them , is exhausting and frustrating in ways which drain energy away from more important issues .
15 For democratic elitists a dominant feature of government policy-making is the existence of numerous sources of pressure to define policy in ways which ignore the public interest .
16 write coherently about a wide range of issues , ideas , incidents , etc ; organising different kinds of text in ways which help the reader ;
17 They suggest that our understanding of mothers ' experiences has to be gleaned from studies employing a variety of income measures , which collect and analyse their data in ways which obscure differences both within and between households .
18 Such arguments sit uneasily within a tradition of British poverty research where data are constructed in ways which prevent ‘ race ’ ( let alone racism ) being a focus of analysis .
19 In both books , neither community were prepared to give the outsiders a chance , it 's their obvious ignorance and old ways which prevent their neighbourhood from being a complete one .
20 Feminist methods frequently situate themselves socially and historically in ways which distinguish the concept of the subject they work with from the one which underpins qualitative psychological methods , and which give these methods a different significance .
21 It must be appreciated , therefore , that when Coenwulf maintained that Offa wished to diminish the dignity of Canterbury because of his hatred of Archbishop Jaenberht and the people of Kent , whereas Pope Leo declared that it was because of the vastness of his lands and kingdom that Offa had desired it , both were representing Offa 's motives in ways which suited their immediate purposes .
22 What could not be allowed was the suggestion that major characters were using language to deceive and self-present in expedient ways which suited political needs rather than the way they ‘ really were ’ .
23 Instead , they are studied by observation , descriptive essays or case histories , or , even more than other women , in ways which derive from biological or anthropological research .
24 Many of course have come to that conclusion before , and those who have tried to reach a naturalistic morality which transcends it have had to read the historical record , or read beyond the historical record , in ways which seek to reveal a partly hidden human nature which is waiting to be realized or perfected .
25 Moore 's way of putting it might be defended on the basis of a realist view of universals for which individual horses are horses because they participate in a universal object horse , and do so in virtue of the fact that they have parts participating in universal objects which are parts of the universal object horse and related to each other in ways which participate in the universal relations linking part to whole in the universal object .
26 However , this effect may not last , and long-term follow-up is useful to ensure that the patient does not lapse into those unhealthy ways which made him unwell in the first place .
27 There are many ways to learn about old age from older people , ways which put them into the ‘ expert ’ role .
28 Indeed , their immediate reaction may be to seek ways which circumvent judicial pronouncements .
29 Higher education policy is couched in such terms , and higher education institutions and undergraduate courses are structured in ways which embody certain curricular concepts , models and assumptions .
30 The commission of crimes against them will have the effect of diminishing their positive freedom , to which they also have a right ; for example crimes of injurious violence reduce the victims ' freedom to operate physically free from pain , while property offences will deprive them of resources and thereby remove their freedom to choose to act in ways which require the use of those resources .
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