Example sentences of "way as [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 National courts have the duty to interpret and apply national law in such ways as to ensure that a real and effective sanction , i.e. a sanction satisfying the principles of proportionality , effectiveness and non discrimination or comparability , is imposed .
2 The name Yahweh appears in the Bible from the earliest times ( Genesis 4:1 ) and in such ways as to imply that men both knew and used it ( e.g. Genesis 4:26 ; 14:22 ) .
3 This chapter explores the possibility of defining these assembly relationships in such ways as to provide a desired function .
4 Second , because governments and ministers still retain political objectives and motivations , they will attempt to guard jealously information within their purview and to use it in such ways as to influence and direct public opinion .
5 The tapestries and wall-paintings look slightly different to different people , in such a way as to foster thoughts of distrust and discord between them .
6 However , how active are citizens today and is the system organised in such a way as to foster , or stifle their participation ?
7 Indeed , philosophers such as Susan Mendus , of York University , produced a novel apologia for liberal book-banning : ‘ Where free speech is employed in such a way as to destroy the possibility of communication and of mutual understanding , then its raison d'etre is destroyed , ’ she argued .
8 Luther Reynolds ridiculed David in front of her , belittling him in such a way as to destroy any respect she might have had for her husband ; although she could not help but like him a little .
9 An own-brander is liable if he has own-branded the goods in such a way as to hold himself out as being the producer .
10 The rail unions should be putting their own demands in such a way as to reinforce this campaign ; but they have not done so .
11 For all the importance that de Gaulle attached to securing the support of the Resistance , he was determined to secure it on his terms , i.e. in such a way as to reinforce his leadership and legitimize his movement before world opinion .
12 The Bank also manages the redemption of existing stock in such a way as to smooth the demands on the government 's financial resources .
13 The European Court has stated that the concept of abuse is to be assessed by determining whether an undertaking in a dominant position ‘ has made use of the opportunities arising out of its dominant position in such a way as to reap trading benefits which it would not have reaped if there had been normal and sufficiently effective competition ’ .
14 The only certainty is that those nations that are victorious will write what is later termed ‘ history ’ , and will do it in such a way as to justify their actions .
15 But whereas those satirists recreated a context with omniscience in such a way as to justify their final attack , the poet here can give us no such context .
16 These entities are placed on Earth to manage coincidences in such a way as to inch us gradually along the evolutionary path and , while on Ketamine , Lilly was able to communicate with these extraterrestrials , who informed him that they had removed DNA samples from Earth and transported them to another planet .
17 There seems to be no escape from the fact that work substitutes will be needed to preserve society as we know it , carried out in such a way as to preserve particular countries ' economic viability .
18 In order to accommodate its growing occupant , the shell must enlarge in such a way as to preserve its original form .
19 To answer that immediate need , the British government has been agonising over how to offer a single tranche of passports , perhaps 100,000 , to Hong Kong , in such a way as to target recipients whom it believes play vital roles in the public and private sector .
20 Alternatively , the industry could be in the hands of a private firm which would have its prices regulated by the state in such a way as to earn what approximates to a normal rate of return on capital employed .
21 It was to fill a gap in the provision of two-year courses , was to be offered as ‘ a genuine and useful addition to those forms of higher education already available ’ , would have the same entry qualifications as for degrees , and could be either a terminal qualification with which to enter appropriate forms of employment , or provide a foundation ‘ for further study and be designed , where appropriate , in such a way as to earn credit towards other qualifications , including degrees and the requirements of professional bodies ’ .
22 The emergence of educational policies which focus on the school and college experiences of black and female students necessitates the use of ‘ race ’ and sex as significant categories , labelling students in such a way as to highlight both specific aspects of their identity and group membership and particular educational problems .
23 Furthermore we want to embed the chains in such a way as to use the random walk statistics we have derived for freely rotating chain segments .
24 It is important , however , that the information is not presented in such a way as to perpetuate routine and ritual .
25 This research aims to use existing technology to develop more effective forms of tactual presentation , laid out and labelled in such a way as to guide the students ' exploration of the diagrams and contribute an aid to the teaching-learning process .
26 Each registered nurse , midwife or health visitor is accountable for his or her practice , and in the exercise of professional accountability shall : act always in such a way as to promote and safeguard the well-being and interests of patients/clients .
27 But our aim will be to franchise out services in such a way as to reflect regional and local identity and make operating sense .
28 Moreover , such tests could be devised in such a way as to reflect what I have argued to be the most important feature of any new curriculum , the equal importance of the practical and the theoretical .
29 But behind the apparently straightforward process of assigning numbers to variants of a variable in such a way as to reflect , reasonably faithfully , their phonetic and social relationships with each other lies a great deal of linguistic , sociological and mathematical abstraction .
30 A further element of contrast built into the research is that it will explore how inter-agency policies are negotiated and enacted at a local level , in a small number of tightly defined neighbourhoods which will be chosen in such a way as to reflect demographic variations , differences in housing stock and employment , varying local crime rates , ethnic diversity , and other relevant factors .
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