Example sentences of "way [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid I ca n't subscribe to the theory that man should always be ‘ bloody , bold and resolute ’ ; but rather , I confess , that it 's very comforting to lean on you sometimes … more especially as I 've a funny instinct that if I follow your ways I ca n't go wrong , whereas my own existence is apt to be hardening , as you can see that it must be .
2 It 's altered me in ways I ca n't even describe . ’
3 In many ways I would prefer to live in one place , but taking old and derelict houses and making them relive again is a source of enjoyment to me .
4 ‘ If it were n't for your penny-pinching ways I would n't be so eager to spend my time in London .
5 In some ways I might as well have been in the Outer Hebrides , Now everyone 's got a car it 's difficult to explain how isolated somewhere like Kensal Green used to be in those days .
6 Er — and there are two ways I might do it , right ? ’
7 I know this may not be popular … in some ways I 'd prefer to drop Strachan … but he keep defying age & playing brilliant ! !
8 ‘ You did once say I was old-fashioned and I suppose in some ways I must be .
9 In many ways I should like to do the same , for there are wonderful stories to be told , and I love storytelling .
10 There were ways I could straddle the machine , but this just seemed ludicrous .
11 We could see the sights , have some fun , and maybe I could think of some ways I could help you . ’
12 The bills were n't sequentially numbered or marked in any of the large variety of ways I could imagine .
13 There were other ways I could have planted the radio-mike .
14 But all the taxi money adds up and if I had to take taxis both ways I could n't afford it . ’
15 But at the moment it 's also one of the only ways I can steer the bike , especially in faster corners .
16 I was actually looking at you before I came in , but just come out here for a second There are two ways I can hurt you .
17 Mr Wilkie , who worked in the Royal Army Educational Corps for 17 years , said : ‘ In some ways I can understand what Grampian Enterprise is doing because these days everything seems to be down to numbers .
18 It also suggests the possibility that demonstrators fall foul of the law in the magistrates ' court in ways which may never afterwards be given thoughtful re-examination at a more senior judicial level .
19 Welfare rights services , for example could be defined in a variety of ways which may not make them readily understandable .
20 Process rights can however , as we shall see , be fashioned in other ways which may be both better suited to the needs of particular areas , and ago better attain the instrumental and non-instrumental values which process rights are designed to serve .
21 Frequently staff will resist the change in ways which may be less dramatic than sabotage , but be equally effective .
22 In this way , situations can be redefined in ways which may be more useful for analysis .
23 If such needs are incompatible with the needs of other groups for control and direction over what tasks will be performed and how work will be carried out , conflict will result and be expressed in ways which may obscure the underlying cause of conflict , such as strikes .
24 The Council is , thanks to the SEA , more than ever the true ‘ Parliament ’ of the European Community in that it — rather than the Strasbourg assembly — passes the Community 's laws and does so , moreover , behind closed doors in ways which would not be tolerated in any individual national member state .
25 The emergence of semi-literacy in England of all places , in ways which would make other civilised nations shrink in disgrace , is central to the catastrophe , and will be described alongside the accounts of the libraries and books themselves .
26 He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects , in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding .
27 Often the resource is money , which allows the school staff to develop the curriculum in ways which would be impossible where capitation from the local authority is the only source of income .
28 Surely Bentham would want to say that they should have sought their pleasure in other ways which would , in fact , have been equivalent , but it is quite a problem to say what is meant by ‘ equivalent ’ here .
29 This can be thought of as comprising the following clauses : Roger has a dog The dog is black It is called Ben These can be combined in various ways which would " score " in a count of dependent clauses , e.g. : Roger has a dog , Ben , who is black , Roger has a black dog , who is called Ben , while the initial version does not .
30 In such an environment the electrons would oscillate in ways which would depend upon the details of the positive charge distribution .
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