Example sentences of "may at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Journals can and do change , and their contents may at one period reflect the leading edge , whilst in another they may become review journals , or more ephemeral in nature .
2 The above definition may at first seem to have little to do with a choreographer 's work .
3 As with transcendence and immanence , this may at first sight appear to represent a flat contradiction in terms .
4 This may at first be simple ‘ draw writing ’ but as they develop and learn more about how written language works , their writing comes increasingly close to standard adult systems .
5 The dilemma of sex determination may at first seem to be far removed from the real business of the legal world .
6 This may at first appear paradoxical because robots are often — perhaps most often — thought of as mechanical workpeople , displacing humans .
7 At the presentation , Sir Humphry did not pass up the chance to impress upon the business world the great value of science to their endeavours : ‘ Science , gentlemen , is of infinitely more importance to a state than may at first sight appear possible ; for no source of wealth and power can be entirely independent of it ; and no class of men are so well able to appreciate its advantages as that to which I am addressing myself .
8 The energies required to probe the nucleus are therefore high , so it may at first seem surprising that visible light with its moderate energies can reveal important information about the nucleus .
9 Compared to the extraordinary finesse of Maazel ( DG ) , the infectious volatility of ashkenazy ( Decca ) , the white heat of Ormandy ( Sony ) , the affectionate warmth of Previn ( EMI ) , and the quite extraordinary magnetism of the composer 's own recording ( Pearl ) , Dutoit may at first appear a shade reluctant in the Third Symphony to fully indulge Rachmaninov 's unequalled genius for long-breathed lyrical melody .
10 That this is so may at first appear disappointing .
11 This is not at all the simple task that it may at first seem : we shall see that considerable care must be taken in interpreting the official statistics on unemployment .
12 The idea of ‘ accidentally sparkling ’ Champagne is far more plausible than it may at first seem .
13 Although this may at first seem to be an absolute method of reading the bar widths , it is actually reading the widths of the bars relative to the total width of the bar code .
14 ‘ In the mind ’ is therefore a more complex term than it may at first seem .
15 This means that there is a need to search beyond what may at first appear to be a case of depression or senility .
16 In view of my evident misery , both at the onset and towards the end of the disease , the two statements may at first seem irreconcilable : I was desperately unhappy and had known for years that death can put an end to everything , including unhappiness .
17 This writing may at first seem strange because it aims beyond the physical reality of our senses — addressing the past , the future and the spirits of those who are before and after .
18 Although it may at first feel as though you will always be the new member of staff , or that you will never stop asking questions , most returners express appreciation and gratitude for the support and practical help offered by colleagues , and for the warm welcome extended to them on their return .
19 Quine 's response is instructive , although it may at first seem dismissive .
20 It may at first be limited to one target group ( for example , secondary school teachers ) and one or two different media ( e.g. press and radio ) .
21 Dr Pierre Chaplais has argued that Henry III 's action , by which he acknowledged Louis IX 's superiority over the whole duchy of Aquitaine , was more damag-ing to both Plantagenet and Gascon interests than may at first appear .
22 Publishing a book for the purchaser to fill in himself may at first seem an odd idea , akin to selling empty wrappers !
23 The austerity of the positivist programme may at first sight seem highly scientific , with its rigid adherence to what can be measured and its banishing of all that is not the immediate fruit of experience .
24 The franchise is a form of business which has grown up in recent years and offers the would-be entrepreneur what may at first sight appear to be an easy way to start up in business .
25 This is the idea that denunciation can help to reduce the incidence of crime — a notion which may at first seem somewhat obscure , but which has a distinguished intellectual pedigree .
26 Thus what may at first sight appear to be something that facilitates competition can actually be a form of legal collusion .
27 In fact , Hayzen 's policy implications may not be quite so relevant as they may at first seem .
28 Bach 's Sarabande from the E minor Lute Suite may at first seem to be a freely flowing melody ; in reality , it is a skilful decoration of what was probably a simple basic conception : The rhythm ( bar 2 ) is really a diminution of ( bar 4 ) ; the quavers in bar 1 are echoed in augmented values in bar 3 ; while the note succession in bar 1 is used again to form bars 3 and 4 .
29 In fact it may not be so different as may at first be thought .
30 That is why what may at first seem to be a casual incident can have lasting effects .
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