Example sentences of "should the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Why should the primary sufferer want to seek recovery if the quality of life without alcohol or drugs or other addictive substance or process is going to be no better than that of the family member ?
2 The issue of the legitimacy of corporate enterprise can , however , be saved from being swallowed up in this wider debate if the assumption is made that alternative patterns of distribution can be secured through state action should the prevailing one be considered morally unappealing .
3 Should the prevailing interest rate be greater than Oi l , there would be an excess supply of money ( or excess demand for bonds ) which would push up the price of bonds and push down interest rates , back towards the equilibrium .
4 Should the elective resolution cease to have effect , if the authority has lasted for 5 years or more before the election it expires forthwith : otherwise it has effect as if it had been given for a fixed period of 5 years .
5 It was intended to play a major part in the Japanese defence of the Homeland should the Allied invasion occur .
6 Should the current recession or events in the Gulf turn truly nasty , selling stock short could also be the best way to make money in 1991 .
7 And should the current two vacancies within the Windsor firm find themselves listed at the local Job Centre it 's impossible to calculate how many of the nation 's three million unemployed might apply .
8 Should the current tide turn , we will think about it with great pleasure and renewed confidence .
9 Why should the individual taxpayer , as opposed to taxpayers as a whole , bear the burden of government 's mistake ?
10 Every one of those workers knows exactly what his likely fate will be should the Labour party ever return to power .
11 We feel it is now right and proper that the debate is to be had and that our roots , our heritage and our future are defended on our terms and in our forums and not in the editorials of Sunday newspapers , and as for les people 's letters to the newspapers , and Kinnock and co saying to people , individual members , why should the Labour Party not trust you with the choice of your candidate , it is you who do the work to get them elected , who are they kidding ?
12 Should the above experiment be tried on one of these , then a different result will be achieved .
13 Why should the millions of taxpayers
14 Why should the Deaf and Dumb be expected to pretend to be what they are not ?
15 Should the confiscated proceeds be applied to victims ?
16 Should the latter ever happen , it is best to land ahead regardless rather than attempt a circuit .
17 They outstay , outnumber and invariably outmanoeuvre the elected and less intellectually endowed political elite , should the latter even contemplate acting against the ‘ powers that be ’ .
18 Seats in the new national assembly could be left vacant for north Korean representatives , should the latter subsequently be elected on an acceptable basis ; the United States held that it was vitally important that the Soviet Union should not exercise a veto on the role of the UN in Korea .
19 Should the latter be removed then the second fish will become the dominant one .
20 Should the latter be the case , the concern expressed last week at the Bookseller Association Conference by BA president John Hitchin , that the threat of a tax on books was still a live issue , was not ill-founded .
21 He remained de facto Vice-President , the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet now being constitutionally the President 's temporary successor ( pending a fresh election ) should the latter become unable to execute his duties .
22 On March 30 in a joint news conference in Caracas , the Venezuelan capital , with President Carlos Andrés Pérez ( who had been instrumental in initiating the peace process ) Cristiani had offered the FMLN guerrillas a " broad amnesty " and a " plot of land " and confirmed that the government would legalize an FMLN political party should the latter wish to participate in elections .
23 The latter post was now restyled , its incumbent being effectively the Speaker of the USSR Supreme Soviet and automatically the successor of the President should the latter be unable to complete his five-year term in office .
24 By unilaterally adopting the programme , with its commitment to wide-ranging economic sovereignty for the individual republics , Russia placed itself potentially on a collision course with the USSR administration should the latter not follow suit .
25 The President nominated a Vice-President , who was to succeed the President should the latter be unable to complete a five-year term of office .
26 Constitutionally , the President of the Assembly would assume the functions of the Croatian President should the latter be incapacitated .
27 Britain 's main clearing banks are reviewing their lending policies in the light of a draft EC directive which would make them liable for the clean-up costs of their industrial clients , should the latter go into liquidation .
28 Why should the great mass of believing Christians in fact know less about the figure they worship than about historical figures of far less relevance ?
29 For example , should the final class number be 331.2:687.9 or 687.9:331.2 ?
30 Should the crowded platform hypothesis hold , firms from Category C should prove to be less prosperous than those in A. Similarly , companies in the sample of assisted firms should be performing better than their non-assisted counterparts .
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