Example sentences of "may [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They may for some reason go to a Mother and Baby Home for a short period before and after they have the baby , or even go to live with foster parents .
2 Cross-addictions may be hotly denied because the subject matter may for some be too close for comfort .
3 There may for some reason be a substantial delay between the date of the agreement and the grant of the lease during which time the tenant may wish to assign its interest in it .
4 I could-perhaps should — go back to Ken Hurren tomorrow morning and tell him that there may after all be some question of security involved .
5 They may after all have been passing secrets to Soviet agents .
6 Supply of a set of goods within a natural monopoly framework may under some circumstances require suppression of entry into closely related areas in order to prevent competitive entry undermining the natural monopoly properties .
7 5.7.2 Not to do in or near the Premises any act or thing by reason of which the Landlord may under any statute incur have imposed upon [ it ] or become liable to pay any penalty damages compensation costs charges or expenses
8 The often-repeated criticism made of elite and traditional theorists that they assume what they should be proving — namely the distribution of power — may from this perspective be seen to miss the point of elite analysis , since it is not typically concerned with the question of whether the minority that exercises power is a significant proportion of the entire population .
9 It does n't mean that your regional accent is going to be bullied out of you , so that you are unable to use it ever again — on the contrary , your accent may in all probability be your most interesting and valuable possession .
10 ‘ The best defence for our colonies , as well as for our coasts , ’ he had argued the previous year , ‘ is to have a squadron always to the westward … [ which ] may in all probability either keep the French in port , or give them battle with advantage if they come out . ’
11 The stream of novels that followed the coronation of realism in 1953 may in all likelihood have proved even wider , in scope and tolerance , than the founders of the school ever dared to hope or to expect .
12 This is the only occasion when the Secretary of State can direct the Chief Inspector who may in all probability have already commenced an inspector 's investigation .
13 Men and women , for instance , may in many cases be characterized as different in this regard — their human nature may not be identical — and proper interpretative emphasis must be given in such cases .
14 We may in such circumstances act on the instructions of the Board of Directors , provided we are sure they are mandated to act .
15 The court may in such circumstances give an early hearing or order execution to proceed notwithstanding the application ( Moore v Registrar of Lambeth County Court , above ) .
16 We now know much more about surviving hunters and gatherers than was known in Morgan 's day and , although sexual unions among them may in some cases be very unstable , in others they are not .
17 These and other examples suggest that engineering design may impose some rather loose constraints on structure , and may in some cases impose precise quantitative constraints on shape ( e.g. the shapes of bird 's wings are very accurately adapted to particular modes of flight ) .
18 Support may also be offered by firms whose products may in some ways be harmful to children .
19 For reasons which are fairly obvious this procedure of bargaining may in some societies lead to the endorsement of highly wicked principles as that society 's doctrine of justice .
20 As Hassan 's comment half-implies , it may in some areas be time for criticism to move on from the task of defining postmodernism in relation to its antecedents .
21 The jury may in some cases put two and two together , but it seems to us that the effect of section 58 is such that the balance of fairness between prosecution and defence can not be maintained unless proper comment is permitted on the defendant 's silence in such circumstances .
22 The examples of Denmark or of the other members of the Community may in some respects be encouraging , in others not ; but certainly to look into classrooms beyond the Channel , however superficially , is to be reminded that written curricula and centralised administrations do not have to be unwieldy , dictatorial or reactionary .
23 Independent of this physical cause there exists always one more or less contrary evil to the cure of maladies in any Hospital whatever which results from the great number of sick assembled in one place , the bodies of which occasion emanations which alters more or less the wholesomeness of the air , but this cause may in some manner be done away with by the great cleanliness of the Stables and fumigations that might be performed from time to time …
24 At home it may in some cases be the parents who notice something ‘ odd ’ about their baby 's eyes or feel an unease about the baby 's visual behaviour .
25 The genotypic composition of the population may in some cases dimly reflect forces that operated twenty or thirty years ago .
26 Discourses of ‘ race ’ , sexuality , age , or class , may in some circumstances be more important influences on psychologists ' work than discourses of gender .
27 We need to understand how and why male fantasies may commonly differ from female ones , and why the sorts of fantasies I have mentioned , which may in some ways seem antithetical to feminism , may still have a strong appeal to women who have a feminist allegiance .
28 In the words of professor John Honnold : A further factor is that States feel more relaxed about harmonizing measures which do not threaten ( even though they may in some degree influence ) long-established concepts and traditions of their own legal systems governing domestic transactions .
29 Quite clearly , though , the aims of Compact are consonant with the aims of the new generation of examinations and Compact will provide new resources and learning opportunities which can be used as a basis for course work and may in some circumstances be eligible for assessment and certification by the examining bodies , e.g. as a module in GCSE or CPVE or as the basis of an entire examination such as the AEB Basic Test " World of Work " .
30 Compacts may in some circumstances be eligible for assessment and certification by the examining bodies , for example as a module in GCSE or CPVE or as the basis of an entire examination such as the AEB Basic Test " World of Work " .
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