Example sentences of "any point [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reifenhauser K.G. Maschinenfabrik where discovery procedures were in their third year , the defendant having already answered two sets of interrogatories without taking any point about the applicability of the Convention .
2 Young people would start work at any point between the ages of 10 and 14 years , for although the school-leaving age stood at fourteen there were many irregularities in the enforcement of the regulations .
3 I put it to you that any alteration of Church Lane at any point between the A Nineteen and the centre of the village would be seriously detrimental to the existing character of that area .
4 ( In practice , it may be best to choose the four settings J first , and then let J' be any point between them . )
5 Other comments you did n't actually ask at any ti any point through there I do n't believe whether the husband ought to be involved .
6 The pilot must be vigilant on every aerotow and must realise the importance of being prepared to release at any point on the climb out should his glider get badly out of position .
7 You can start the argument at any point on the circle .
8 This is linked with another property of the circle : the angle subtended by a chord at any point on the circumference , within the same segment , is a constant .
9 Let F be any point on AO .
10 If the two foci of an ellipse are points O and P , and D is any point on the circumference , the OD + PD is a constant for that ellipse .
11 Using a set square , select any point on the circle Q and draw the right angle FQP , external to the circle .
12 They possess two pairs of fins , or their derivatives , limbs : two is the minimum number of lateral extensions of the body needed to generate a vertical force through any point on the body ( one pair could generate a force at only one point , and three pairs are one too many ) .
13 One method in particular , kriging ( now available as part of the UNIRAS software ) , offers not only a contoured surface but also an estimate of the standard error at any point on the map .
14 At any point on the film , then , he could match up this picture with the force created simultaneously on the platform .
15 If he happens to take his eye of the ball , he is very likely to be bowled , and if he hits the ball it may go to any point on the ground where the possibilities of making runs , being caught or surviving an appeal to the umpire are all on the cards .
16 From a single console at any point on the network , technical staff can manage networks of Integrity systems with the Suite : it is a graphical , object-oriented system management toolset , designed with icons , pull-down menus , and realistic depictions of system configurations and components .
17 Where there is a conflict between your instinct and the guidebook directions at any point on a descent , I 'd tend to trust to intuition .
18 Although femininity in a man or masculinity in a woman may accompany homosexuality rather than heterosexuality ( and it is doubtful whether we can be sure on this point ) , the homosexual man or woman can occupy any point on the masculine-feminine scale , just as may the heterosexual individual .
19 If the earth spins on its axis , as Copernicus had it , then any point on the earth 's surface will move a considerable distance in a second .
20 Beds or borders of a width such that the centre is at arms " length from any point on the edge will be easier to maintain , but if this makes them too narrow for your choice , stepping-stones in the border make life a lot easier and incidentally add to the border " s appearance .
21 Notice that the graph line has the same slope as x = y , but each y value is one place higher than the x value at any point on the line .
22 ( i ) " Active Play " discs ( CAV : Constant Angular Velocity ) The essential property of these for education is that one revolution of the disc produces one frame of video at any point on the disc .
23 Pressure at any point on the upper layer forces the two layers into contact .
24 Stimulate the hydra at any point on its body and a wave of excitation runs from that point in all directions so as eventually to involve every part of the nerve net .
25 Any point on the screen will receive waves from the two slits .
26 ( Any point on such a world-sheet can be described by two numbers : one specifying the time and the other the position of the point on the string . )
27 Cursor positioning refers to the system positioning the cursor automatically at any point on the screen where an entry is required to complete the transaction .
28 This is rather like being able to draw a straight line tangent at any point on a smooth curve .
29 A sphere has Gaussian curvature at any point on its surface .
30 Since any point on the diagonal makes the same intercepts on both scales any job whose line hits the diagonal has been completed .
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