Example sentences of "very [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The term " Chetniks " could only have been used very loosely to apply to them all , although in Macmillan 's diary entry on his visit to Klagenfurt he refers to the use of the word " Chetniks " to describe " guerilla forces raised by the Germans from Slovenes and …
2 The author manages very successfully to convey all his sadness and bitterness and at the same time great strength of his departure from this world without being verbose or over the top .
3 … let the organization of a canine animal become slightly plastic , which animal preyed chiefly on rabbits , but sometimes on hares ; let these same changes cause the number of rabbits very slowly to decrease and the number of hares to increase ; the effect of this would be that the fox or dog would be driven to try to catch more hares , and his numbers would tend to decrease ; his organization , however , being slightly plastic , those individuals with the lightest forms , longest limbs , and best eyesight ( though perhaps with less cunning or scent ) would be slightly favoured , let the difference be ever so small , and would tend to live longer and to survive during that time of the year when food was shortest ; they would also rear more young , which young would tend to inherit these slight peculiarities .
4 Then he put down the knife and took the sticky thing in his fingers and started very slowly to eat it .
5 Mr Arrastía 's inspiration for FARCO grew our of his dissatisfaction with Argentina 's national networks and his increasing conviction that radio can be used very effectively to unite and strengthen marginalised communities .
6 The irons can be used to mark any number of horses — ideal for a large yard or riding school — and can also be used very effectively to mark show jumps and even trailers and carriages .
7 So er , kind words to us , thank you very much , but there are bodies which are working very effectively to spread the net , er , my view , by the way , is of course erm , I 'm a great believer in , er pressures being exercised by every mechanism .
8 But he managed very effectively to isolate Benn and others who leaned towards a siege economy .
9 I need very badly to telephone for a doctor .
10 With a small sigh of surrender she fell asleep in the arms of a man she did n't understand , and wanted very badly to detest .
11 I suddenly wanted very badly to get out of that room .
12 Nick said , but very gently to take the sting out of the words , " You 're not his mother . "
13 Place the separated grapefruit segments in a bowl , and add the celery , cottage cheese , grated carrots , mint and chives , and toss very gently to combine .
14 Her body looked diminished , almost shrivelled , in the huge chair , and the gnarled hands on the arms began very gently to shake .
15 Her twin must love Roman very much to have let Claudia know how worried she was about his reaction to her escapade with Garry .
16 Indeed , once a psychic has become established it seems that nothing — not the most detailed confession , not the most damning exposure — can dent the confidence of believers-And , not content with continuing to believe the evidently fraudulent , they do their very best to draw the exposers into the net .
17 Overwhelmed by her publicity , Amaranth finished her breakfast , and set out for the Grand and Harvey , doing her very best to subdue a worm of doubt .
18 Great practical achievements jostle with the expected financial and administrative problems but throughout it is a story of people doing their very best to improve the health and welfare of animals of all shapes and sizes and in all circumstances .
19 Certainly so far as we are concerned we would completely recognise your position and we are in fact , since your position is shared by several other experts in their respective fields who have been good enough to assist us in this venture , doing our very best to see that the names of those who are taking part in the policy study groups do not become public property .
20 She insists upon strict discipline throughout the school , and if you take my advice you will do your very best to behave yourselves in her presence .
21 I 'll certainly do my very best to look after them . ’
22 Er we the Society try our very best to get over the message to people just before Christmas .
23 We recognise that those who live and work in the vicinity of our plants have the right to know about our activities and we are doing our very best to provide them with the information they require .
24 He had tried his very best to grow .
25 As a result one male , the dominant of the two , does his very best to keep the subordinate from mating , while the female does her best to get both males to mate with her .
26 And I 'm sure that this report on the health action area is going to show some fairly , erm give us some fairly staggering erm revelations about about the health of Oxford citizens that 's going to surprise people at large when they find out how badly people have fared over the past ten years when we 've had the Tories in office who 've really done their very , very best to make the health divide of this country in a very poor state .
27 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
28 And please remember whatever I do and whatever becomes of me , I shall always do my very best to help you .
29 The suddenness of the increased use of artillery in the third quarter of the fourteenth century is evidenced by the fact that when Gaston Fébus , vicomte of Béarn in the Pyrenees , had a network of fortifications constructed between 1365 and 1380 ( a period during which many castles were built in France ) he must have been building some of the last fortifications to take no account of artillery , which was very soon to compel important developments in the art of defence .
30 A second tomb , situated directly opposite that destined for Franco , in front of the high altar , was not kept secret , for it was very soon to receive its occupant .
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