Example sentences of "people [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the Spaniards reached Middle America they found the native peoples using pearls and mother-of-pearl obtained from fisheries in the Caribbean , the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific coasts of south California and Mexico .
2 He also warned Lithuanians and other Soviet peoples contemplating independence that they should reflect " a thousand times " .
3 No ruling class , no working class , just people producing wealth as they produced it , consuming it that would be an efficient society where nobody would go hungry , there would be no unemployment , no poverty and er it 's the ultimate objective of er the human race .
4 Growing publicity over ambulance response times to the area has led to several people contacting Teesdale councillors with their own stories of delays .
5 Growing publicity over the subject of Durham Ambulance response times to the area has led to several people contacting Teesdale councillors with their own stories of delays .
6 From somewhere upstairs came the sound of a group of people singing songs from their own province .
7 I have heard loose talk of people seeing things here by night , but I 've never paid the least attention , so I ca n't tell you what they claim . ’
8 ‘ They are much smaller than I expected ’ is the usual remark from people seeing puffins for the first time .
9 " People seeing Jeannie would say that 's a woman who 's sunk to the lowest depths , the dregs of humanity .
10 There were people bringing baking before going to work ; people carrying in the food given by our friends in City Centre businesses ; and ladies from St. Mary 's R.C. Cathedral arriving for duty in the Undercroft ; so many other helpers too , reminding me of Nan Munn 's immortal lines , ‘ each to their stations/We 're ready for the off/Where is John Gibson/Where 's my tin box ’ ; people handing in contributions ; Miss Cameron 's chauffeur , with dog collar instead of peaked cap , delivering her , before his car took up its privileged position for the Week in the Standard Life car park ; and last , and most important , the good friends in the community who came to support us .
11 Oxford 's historic Port Meadow and Wolvercote Common have provided grazing land since the Domesday Book with hundreds of local people enjoying commoners rights all year round .
12 Locke supported his thesis concerning moral relativity by citing a whole string of entirely fanciful ethnographic horror stories such as : " it is familiar among the Mingrelians , a people professing Christianity , to bury their children alive without scruple .
13 In S6 it is also often possible to accommodate beginners or people mastering specialist skills .
14 He has just noticed people eating ice cream on a café terrace across the street .
15 Snizort thought you might very nearly expect creatures , beings , anything at all , to steal through a darkling forest and lie watching the strange group of people eating supper and drinking wine in the glow from the fire .
16 The problem which is outlined in the officer 's report on people wasting petrol to take small amounts of material to recycling banks would not apply to building materials , as the quantities in question would be lorry loads which would otherwise be taken to a landful site or fly tip .
17 You did the job in hand the best you could and few things irritated her more than people wasting energy bemoaning the starving millions .
18 What stopped people surfing Pipeline was only in part the wave itself — not so much perpendicular as concave , bent over like the hook of a question mark or a twitching scorpion 's tail .
19 Nearly half the people using credit are currently paying off more than one transaction with the same comPany ( Appendix I , Table 3 ) .
20 The fact that people using credit cards were actually even more likely to say this about them suggests that many credit card users might well be happier if they were not quite so easy to use .
21 There 's been a cutback in the number of people using credit cards .
22 From early next year people using credit cards will have to pay more in some shops than people using money .
23 From early next year people using credit cards will have to pay more in some shops than people using money .
24 During September 1991 free concessionary travel was replaced by new concessionary fare structures introduced by individual bus companies and this may have reduced the number of elderly people using buses .
25 As described in the previous section , this may have resulted from a decrease in the number of elderly people using buses following the introduction in September 1991 of fares for concessionary travel .
26 He added that although the figures might seem worrying , the number of people using bicycles in the town was greater than anywhere else in the county by 3.4 per cent .
27 THE number of people using Britain 's major airports increased again last month .
28 This activity is not restricted to the wage economy ; it includes people using goods to ‘ service ’ themselves , for example in the way that people use washing-machines to ‘ service ’ their own laundry needs .
29 One expert said : ‘ People using scanners usually find that one side of the conversation is much clearer .
30 Self-help is still the emphasis , with people using computer , video and audio aids to learn-as-they-go .
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