Example sentences of "also to be " in BNC.

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1 In the future we hope also to be able to assist further with practical care .
2 Readers need also to be wary of the existence of special markets .
3 This ‘ Jaffa cake ’ scheme was soon also to be adopted for main-line Class 411 stock by the south-east sub-sector of Southern Region .
4 The society 's 145-office estate agency chain , Property Leeds , is also to be cut back .
5 The inspectorate attaches mandatory conditions to the site licence - covering , for example , the need for maintenance to be carried out as specified in the maintenance instructions — and for inspections and tests also to be conducted in accordance with written procedures .
6 It was also to be Andrew Knight 's last executive action : he is becoming a non-executive deputy chairman as Conrad Black , holding 80 per cent of the shares , assumes daily control .
7 Also to be released is Wilton Mkwayi , who took over the overall command of the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , after the others were jailed but was himself arrested and jailed for life in 1965 .
8 An isolated curate who wanted knowledge found himself living a few yards from a man who at first sight was an explosive popular preacher , but who happened also to be one of the coming academic theologians of England , and an inciter of younger minds .
9 If the death penalty did deter , then so distinctive and so dramatic is the sanction that its effect ought also to be too marked to overlook or dispute .
10 But in the same way that the sexual act is losing its meaning , in pub scene , or baroque interior , or city flat , with the result that we are brought to question whatever meaning it once may seem to have possessed , so in The Waste Land the rituals of religion appear also to be failing .
11 It was also to be the largest aircraft ever built in Britain .
12 In the event , he was accepted at Birmingham University , but just before he arrived he was informed that the geography department had been closed down because of austerity measures brought in during World War N. He therefore decided to read geology instead , but shortly afterwards he received notification that this department was also to be closed .
13 And now we have to fight to be reinstated in the union and then also to be reinstated in the company ’ .
14 There is also to be a pensions ombudsman with statutory backing .
15 It has also to be placed in the perspective of European integration . ’
16 Servio Logic has tried to make its object-oriented database easy to modify , on the grounds that complex data is likely also to be fast-changing .
17 Fundamental respect for individuals as autonomous , rational beings suggests that their liberty to risk injury or to undergo assaults , however serious , ought also to be respected .
18 Stocks of emergency feeding equipment are also to be reduced .
19 Power has also to be looked at in the light of engine capacity and tractor weight .
20 These activists then recruited their friends , who were likely also to be Free Presbyterians .
21 Worse than this , we tend not only to limit ourselves to looking at faces , but also to be preoccupied with whether they smile or not .
22 We have also to be very careful about copyright .
23 To be so accepting of whatever came her way was to be comfortable but also to be dead .
24 Her foul-mouthed old mother was also to be seen at the school ‘ meetings ’ , shouting about the bottoms , while children hurled abuse and insult and accusations at one another .
25 Since Death in Venice is also to be performed , would it not have been better to keep Grimes for the new house and to have included a Rossini opera as a nostalgic as well as topical reminder of golden evenings ?
26 Similarly , more than one-third of the students enrolled in the District 's One-Year and Terminal courses were also to be found in these branches .
27 Sheep were also to be found on many farms in North Yorkshire , Cumbria , Wester Ross and Orkney .
28 Partnership between parents and local authorities is also to be encouraged in other ways .
29 He proved also to be an able writer , many of his descriptive passages , pleasing readers such as Wordsworth and Coleridge , were echoed in their own writing .
30 This is known in other mammals including Ring-tailed Lemurs — also to be seen in the Walled Garden .
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