Example sentences of "just as do " in BNC.

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1 They do , nevertheless , reveal implicit social bias and have political implications , just as does the work done in British universities .
2 It describes , just as does the Fundamental Theorem for Finite Abelian Groups ( 6.4.4 ) , the exact structure , in easy terms , of a wide class of rings ( the so-called semisimple ones ) .
3 Many Christians continued to take part in traditional Roman festivities ; they sometimes shocked their bishops by dancing in church , getting drunk at celebrations in the cemeteries , consulting magicians , or resorting to charms to cure their troubles , just as did other people .
4 She told me , just as did you a moment ago , about being put to bed and the sprinkling of holy water — but I could still not see what all the fuss was about !
5 My argument here with Dennett is that if he intends interpretations ( a ) or ( b ) ( a textual quotation here would be beside the point , since these distinctions are not made in his paper in that form ) , then those are inferior explications of consciousness to a process one in terms of level : ( b ) because it lacks the ‘ unity ’ requirement , and ( a ) because , although it could meet all the necessary conditions set out earlier , it seems in some way arbitrary , just as did Minsky 's supreme organizing module .
6 More recently Gallop has remarked her suspicion of the wish to deny sexual difference because it ‘ might be but another mode of denying women ’ , adding : ‘ I distrust male homosexuals because they choose men over women just as do our social and political institutions , but they too share in the struggle against bipolar gender constraints , against the compulsory choice of masculine or feminine ’ ( Thinking through the Body , 1 13 ) .
7 They express a certain mental stance to the world which others are invited to accept or reject just as do factual statements , and as mere imperatives , exclamations and interrogatives can not .
8 In this work he needed to know that these numbers factorised uniquely into primes ( 3.7.13 ) just as do the ordinary integers .
9 Calculated gross redemption yields ( real ) on index-linked bonds vary just as do yields ( in nominal terms ) on conventional bonds .
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