Example sentences of "just over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Were you surprised how soon you got into the RSC — and that you have now ended up after only just over a year and a half in the profession playing Juliet and Hermia ?
2 Just over a year later , at a ‘ Career Appraisal Interview ’ with the chief constable , I was asked : ‘ tell me , how did you find the law course at the polytechnic ? ’
3 It was a just over a week since she had first set foot on the Dorset coast path .
4 Toleafoa had been a promising junior when she joined the circuit full time , just over a year ago .
5 He returned to action just over a week ago to show an impressive turn of foot in winning the Prix du Prince d'Orange .
6 A huge volume of Ferranti shares has changed hands since they returned to trading just over a week ago and a number of other potential bidders are believed to have built up small stakes .
7 Mark Clayton joined Eastwell Manor as head chef just over a year ago .
8 Just over a year since their financial crisis following cut-backs at Brent Council , the Oxford Kilburn club 's target of increased financial aid of £18,000 has been ‘ handsomely exceeded ’ during the year .
9 Unusually for Italy , Verri owed nothing to political connections for his appointment from the private sector only just over a year ago .
10 Textiles accounted for just over a third , after a slight increase that got through to profit .
11 Textiles accounted for just over a third , after a slight increase that got through to profit .
12 It is the co-production with Opera North first seen in Leeds just over a year ago .
13 Only just over a third of sales were military and well over half were overseas , so steady progress is attainable for a prolonged period ..
14 Just over a year ago , Trodd left the Blackeyes project , and Rick McCallum became the sole producer .
15 The ruling National Front coalition , with only just over a quarter of the seats in the lower house of parliament , the Lok Sabha , was supported by the rightwing Bharatiya Janata Party and the Communist-led Left Front .
16 Once one of the most successful corporate raiders in the world , Mr Bond 's troubles began just over a year ago when he crossed swords with Mr Tiny Rowland , the head of Britain 's Lonrho group .
17 By Gareth Parry AS THIS column is just over a year old , I thought I 'd give you all a bit of a break , and write about the psychology of DIY .
18 Typically , roughly half the proceeds were invested ; just over a quarter spent on buying another property or improving one ; and the remaining quarter spent as part of the family budget .
19 It was a remarkable achievement for a company created just over a year earlier and which had had to pitch against some of the world 's largest train-builders , including GEC Alsthom , Siemens , and BREL , the dominant British manufacturer .
20 In just over a week at the Royal Theatre , they have presented almost every known ballet by Bournonville , including a recent revival of his full-length Abdallah .
21 It was a remarkable achievement for a company created just over a year earlier and which had had to pitch against some of the world 's largest train-builders , including GEC Alsthom , Siemens , and BREL , the dominant British manufacturer .
22 CHESHAM United have appointed their third manager this season and their fourth in just over a year , following the resignation of Dave Brown .
23 Ronnie Moran , who resumes the role of caretaker manager he relinquished just over a year ago when Mr Souness arrived from Glasgow Rangers to fill the vacancy created by Kenny Dalglish 's shock resignation , said : ‘ We must try to give Graeme something special to come back to in the form of the FA Cup itself .
24 In an 82 per cent turnout , Mr Ashdown 's Tory challenger , Mr Julian Davidson , polled 22,125 , a drop of just over a thousand on the Conservative share of the vote in 1987 .
25 Forty-one farms , just over a quarter , had developed a specialised product but it was apparent that the remainder did not envisage identifying or exploiting such products in the future .
26 Just over a third , 35 per cent , of those who had lived in an old people 's home for a year or more had had help from a nurse who visited the home in the year before they died .
27 In-house work , which included scientific support projects as well as research , accounted for just over a quarter of the expenditure .
28 Then , just over a year later , the story was back in the headlines again .
29 The conversion went well and took me just over a week to complete .
30 But he 's only just over a week , remember .
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