Example sentences of "also [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Farias had also manipulated government funds and contracts to benefit himself and his associates by an estimated US$1,000 million .
2 The Frankfurt bourse is investigating whether other Daimler insiders also manipulated share-trading .
3 He has also highlighted plans to set up an independent Energy Savings Trust , funded with some of the profits made by British Gas and the regional electricity companies .
4 Dr Mike Hawkins , of the Childhood Cancer Research Group at Oxford University , also allayed fears that susceptibility to cancer might be much higher among children of those who underwent treatment .
5 Several nature reserves , such as Wicken Fen in Cambridgeshire , have also eased access for wheelchair users with extensive boardwalks and the introduction of birdhides .
6 The research team has also lobbied firms about updating and adapting their video material for deaf parents .
7 Our particular experience has been mainly concerned with hypertext coursework , though we have also given thought to other document preparation systems .
8 Undergraduates were also given groups of consonants and asked to recall as many as possible in their correct position after various time delays .
9 The 1986 Act and the 1988 Education Act have also given governors more power over schools than previously .
10 The local authorities were also given powers to establish hospitals to fulfil their duties to contain infectious diseases and to care for the mentally ill .
11 These front line workers , like the rest of us , have certain taken-for-granted ideas about ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ parenting , and they are also given expert knowledge that tells them some of the factors to which child abuse is positively related .
12 They are also given share options .
13 In addition to the emergency grants to individuals and small teams , the foundation has also given $500,000 to the Komarov Botanical Institute in St Petersburg for the preservation of one of the world 's largest herbaria , Some $80,000 was awarded to a popular science magazine Chemistry and Life and $4,000 was given to a special high school in Moscow that maintains high standards for teaching physics and mathematics .
14 DRG 's property assets have also given rise to argument .
15 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
16 Migration processes have also given rise to distinctive age patterns around Britain , though the absolute scale of differences between places is relatively small .
17 The distinction between the intermediate and the aggravated offence has also given rise to adverse comment .
18 Mrs Eckersley had also given Joyce the telephone number of a German Foreign Office department which required English translators .
19 " The opponents of change were no less blunt and were also given space to express their views in the BDN .
20 As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs , Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit , which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky .
21 In 1919 he was also given responsibility for founding the new signals intelligence ( sigint ) agency , the Government Code and Cipher School ( GC and CS ) .
22 Skinner was also given responsibility for liaising closely with the troika at the apex of Bush 's re-election campaign .
23 In both the causal task and the temporal task the children were also given items using so instead of because .
24 Garden tour operators are also given tours .
25 He was also given authority to appoint full-time organisers who remained responsible to him .
26 We were also given presentations outlining progress to date since the merger and plans for the future .
27 More importantly , other studies have used higher doses of benzodiazepine and also given opiates before treatment , which is likely to explain the lower oxygen saturation values .
28 They 've also given blood samples for possible DNA matching .
29 Products for which they have authority to supply are also given code numbers and unless invoices are referenced to order number , with suppliers and product codes , payment can not be made without investigation .
30 Mr Reynolds was also given information about the operation and what would happen to him afterwards so that he knew what to expect .
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