Example sentences of "only [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was not only widely respected as a critic but also regarded with affection for the genuine humility which made him always interested in others ' opinions .
2 It was not only widely used at once but became the " identification photograph " of the war .
3 Ironically , it was a track which Lauda had always opposed on safety grounds and there had been much discussion about the Ring 's lack of safeguards and medical access ( the track is so long , – kilometres , that marshals and safety equipment were not only widely scattered but often whole stretches of the track , such as that where Niki 's car went off , could not be seen from any marshal 's post ) .
4 Last year there were some , so the Liberal Democrats took the view that we could only properly set a budget at the capping level and that is a level at which we set our budget and it was a level at which we set our budget back in December and right through to this date .
5 The very fact that I had only properly discovered a foundation of happiness when separated from the world should have shown me that the tendency of the world was to flood and destroy such a thing .
6 As Russia 's only properly elected leader ever , he should hesitate before putting himself outside the law .
7 The power of the Imperial illusion is only properly appreciated when we watch the last phase in the career of a politician 's politician of the first rank , Joseph Chamberlain .
8 In effect , since socialisation is present as part of all social relationships , whether the parties to the relationship are aware of it or not , it is clear that it is a much more subtle , complex and pervasive process than it might at first appear and that we can only properly understand it as an aspect of all human activity .
9 People only rarely make a positive choice , weighing up one credit arrangement against another .
10 Compass arcs were only rarely seen , for example , and it appeared that many of the drawings had been obtained by trial and error .
11 Although frank aphasic symptoms are only rarely seen after lesions of the right hemisphere , or even after total right hemispherectomy ( Damasio , Almeida and Damasio , 1975 ; Smith , 1974 ) in patients with left hemisphere specialisation for language , careful studies are now pointing to certain linguistic impairments in association with right-sided brain damage .
12 Submarine fans are much less important as potential reservoirs in the Z2 Carbonate than the platform or mud wedge carbonates , because they are only rarely developed .
13 Hilton 's attempt to revive the idea of Lollard influence on the revolt by redefining Lollardy as something more than the following of Wyclif ( 78 , p.213 ) disregards the general character of later Lollardy , which only rarely developed revolutionary tendencies .
14 Earlier Soviet statements in the 1980s only rarely referred to the Soviet interest ‘ in having Afghanistan remain a neutral and non-aligned state and its good neighbour ’ ( my emphasis ) .
15 A ‘ cocky ’ demeanour , one possible explanation for harsher treatment , was only rarely observed , more often with white than black youths .
16 Again , I have only rarely heard anything which has interested me .
17 However , the substances themselves only rarely cause long-term damage to the body .
18 Of course , it may be true that bream only rarely suck from as much as nine inches distance , but I always allow that much on the assumption that they do .
19 Apart from this , their race , and often their language , gives them a solidarity which white workers can only rarely achieve .
20 As things turned out , however , the unemployment rate in Britain in the 1950s and 1960s only rarely exceeded 2% , there being no tangible evidence of an acceleration of inflation until after 1967 .
21 Harvard dealers only rarely visited clients .
22 Women , it was generally claimed , were put to do " straight setting " , that is composing lines of type ( by hand for most of the period ) , and only rarely moved from the type-case to do the other tasks regarded as part of the trade ( making up , imposition , locking up chases , carrying formes , etc . ) .
23 He had , too , a lot of paper work to deal with while in Tollemarche , and only rarely shared his Sunday supper with his son .
24 In the accounts of ‘ anthropology at home ’ currently being produced , the potential to include the personal is unlike that which exists here , for only rarely does the research material contain an account in which the analyst is the subject as well as the researcher .
25 Only rarely does one feel Dustin 's personality breaking through the rigid mask Nichols has constructed for him .
26 In the case of the Hexagon , you 'll have three legs provided , but one of the delights of this shape is that only rarely does it need bridle adjustment .
27 Well , as you know , it is almost impossible to have a piece of knitting that is exactly the same measurement across 40 stitches and 40 rows. , Only rarely does this happen with certain yarn types and stitch patterns .
28 When dreaming we are the spectators of an unfolding drama , and only rarely does one have the impression of being in control .
29 Only rarely does the leer of insincerity glow through the mask .
30 I sometimes turn the possibility of this over in my mind , but only rarely does a suitable piece of information present itself .
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