Example sentences of "only [be] made " in BNC.

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1 The Kitemark on a product will indicate that it has not only been made to a published specification , but that it has been independently tested by BSI as well .
2 Eagle brought an action against Savory Milln claiming that Savory Milln should account to Eagle for the £13.5m which had only been made available to Savory Milln to use by reason of fraud by Mr Ferriday , Eagle 's then chief executive .
3 He stated that it had only been made some fifteen to twenty years ago by , of all people , his uncle .
4 Iraqi forces were debarred from using military aircraft , although it subsequently emerged that this had only been made explicit with regard to fixed-wing aircraft rather than helicopters .
5 The remark could only be made because Ashton had given so much thought to how the music could be given shape in dance .
6 In the celebrated case of ( Re : M ) quoted in The Times , 9 May 1985 , the Court of Appeal ruled that an adoption order with a condition giving rights of access to the natural mother would only be made in the most unusual and exceptional circumstances .
7 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
8 Progress upwind can only be made by completing a series of zig-zags , the turns at first being executed by the 180 degree turn method and later , with more experience , by tacking — steering the board through the turn .
9 Furthermore , any reduction in respect of contributory fault should only be made after the ex gratia payment has been subtracted from the total gross award .
10 That is unremarkable since the anticipation of such problems and assessments of some of their causes and magnitudes can only be made by environmental scientists .
11 Decisions about the effectiveness and appropriateness of different behaviours can only be made within the context of particular situations and specific objectives .
12 Rumours of such ‘ snuff ’ movies had been carefully fostered in the New York Press with accounts of private screenings at Mafia parties , and when it was claimed that one had been acquired for public exhibition , it was advertised with the slogan : ‘ Blood Money , the film that could only be made in South America … where Life is CHEAP ! ’
13 For many years champagne — which can only be made in the Champagne region , north east of Paris — has been regarded as the ‘ real thing ’ , and other sparkling wines as poor relations .
14 Draw up a timetable — some recipes can be cooked and frozen weeks in advance while others can be prepared a day beforehand ; some dishes can only be made on the day .
15 However , s 2(8) did not apply to information provided under s 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and it was argued on Mr Naviede 's behalf that disclosure of the transcript to the SFO should only be made on condition that it was not used in evidence .
16 Under the amended Regulations , PEP investment can only be made in a ‘ non-qualifying ’ trust if at least 50% of its investments are held in shares .
17 The Revenue stated that a decision on this issue could only be made in the light of all the facts of a particular case .
18 Book loans to registered students can only be made to them in person , or on written application , if they quote their registration number .
19 Service of this can only be made by a solicitor or Sheriff Officer who will either post it in a special court recorded delivery envelope , arrange for it to be personally handed to your debtor , or put through the front door of his house .
20 Secondly , if the nearest relative objects an order can only be made by application to the county court , which would complicate and delay the process .
21 The return to Shiel Bridge can only be made along the same road .
22 This would not only reduce its political significance but it would allow for yearly increases ( though broadcasters have been quick to point out that the general rate of inflation is below the industry 's rate and so an increase would still leave a shortfall which can only be made up by savings ) .
23 Others , such as whether to move house , can probably only be made much later .
24 Marxists often imply that Marxism simply involves the introduction of a historical framework — ‘ always historicize ! ’ — but this assumption can only be made , according to Althusser , because of ‘ the confusion that surrounds the concept of history ’ :
25 Instead of being supported by the teaching staff , I was criticised for my actions , and consequently decided it would be best to keep quiet about such incidents during my training , as I knew any real change could only be made from within the profession .
26 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
27 Such adjustments , however , can only be made if firms invest in their internal capabilities .
28 Payments by post should only be made by cheque , made payable to ‘ Birmingham Convention & Visitor Bureau ’ or ‘ BCVB ’ In your own interest do not send cash through the post .
29 Some years were to pass before statutes could only be made in parliament .
30 Changes in the level of support in future years will only be made to take account of inflation or changes in the size and composition of the total population within each local authority area .
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