Example sentences of "give some of " in BNC.

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1 All military and voluntary vehicles will be given some of London 's equipment , including special orthopaedic stretchers and chairs .
2 When he asks to be given some of the soup , Jacob seizes the opportunity , and exchanges a bowl of it for Esau 's privileges as the firstborn .
3 Given some of the feats he has been demonstrating , it is hardly surprising .
4 The key to this was that they all began life with a strong philosophical commitment to development and were given some of the new , additional staff needed in order to give life to this philosophy .
5 Indeed , I have given some of the same warnings myself and , like them , have advised paying off debts and accumulating cash .
6 Your publication has given some of the world 's best humorists and cartooonists their most memorable exposure and has inspired countless others to pick up the pen and make complete fools out of themselves .
7 Above : Even the kitchen shelves are given some of Rita 's expert treatment and are festooned with large , bright bows
8 This personal excursion has been around some favourite isolated hills — there are many others — a few which have given some of my best mountain days .
9 He had given some of the more frank and open-minded advice on the future of the industry before nationalisation , and his critical and constructive approach and blend of engineering and commercial experience were to be a valuable input to Central Authority discussions .
10 And given some of the difficulties which we 've suggested in the course of this half hour are involved .
11 Indeed , many of the homes said that the fees from supplementary benefit were so adequate that the people who came in on that ticket were given some of the best accommodation in the establishment .
12 I have given some of the prosaic reasons why the new clauses should not become part of the Bill —
13 Given some of the appalling crud that gets sent to rss ( cf Denise ) , I could n't believe you were getting serious grief for it .
14 I 'm sure she 's right and I hope that 's given some of the shop leaders who are sitting round about me , some ideas .
15 They 've given some of the business to local estate agents … but according to a leaked Government document some estimates have been inaccurate .
16 Southend are one off the bottom … but they 've given some of the top teams a run for their money this season …
17 America is a stolen country , and I want to help give some of it back to its rightful owners ’
18 That must give some of the girls a shock — a pleasant one , perhaps . ’
19 Perhaps this book will give some of ‘ our ’ elected representatives second thoughts on their continued support for Zionist expansion and aggression in the Middle East .
20 " That 'll give some of them a surprise , wo n't it ? "
21 Should n't we give some of the money raised to Farm Aid ?
22 I hope , then , that this report on those who matriculated in 1966 will give some of us the opportunity to renew some of those special friendships — formed at a peculiarly impressionable time of our lives — with those with whom we have failed to keep in touch .
23 For example , a husband paying CGT should give some of his assets to his wife .
24 If you enjoy your Saturday snooze or a weekend round of golf , give some of the credit to Sir Robert Walpole .
25 The surge of breakers , the translucency of the coral led green , and the reflected blue of perfect skies , give some of the finest opportunities for semi-abstract photography .
26 It 's to start saving money and give some and give some of this money to their private sector friends .
27 These include lignin , which helps to give some of the strength to wood , and compounds such as alkaloids , which plants produce for purposes that are largely unknown , but which include the ability to repel insect pests .
28 However , since some information about his project seems to have leaked out , Dr. Briant has kindly consented to give some of his valuable time to an explanation of the work he is doing . ’
29 Brave attempts were made to give some of the schools a particular flavour by linking them to particular emphases , or even particular careers .
30 The match will provide Ipswich with a chance to give some of the players who have spent a considerable amount of time on the bench with some badly needed match practice .
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