Example sentences of "give we [art] " in BNC.

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1 As a peasant from the Kursk guberniia put it in 1922 : ‘ We are not for priests nor for the church , but if only the Comrades would give us a little of what they promise : they promise a school and Socialism , but our hands are still as empty as ever . ’
2 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city —
3 ‘ First , ASM , can you give us a summary of last week 's activities ? ’
4 That will give us a breathing space to sort things out .
5 Can psychological experiments give us a clue to how such calculations are performed ?
6 He can give us a wonderful tool , a wonderful one .
7 And we must remember our interest in Livesey is only that he might give us a lead to the young girl 's killer . ’
8 We have tried to make the questions simple but comprehensive so that it wo n't take many minutes to fill in but your answers will give us a good idea of what is wanted and what is not .
9 I do n't SEE WHy people grope us together as holigans 'cos we ai n't alright you get troble makers in every facktion But They do nt publish it if a niggeR does a old Biddy do they give us a faiR chance will someone as for stop being a SKIN I do nt think I will . ’
10 ‘ It was like , well , these groups have all got together and thought ‘ Well , we 'll get these haircuts and these clothes and it will give us a concept that people can grab hold on to straight away ’ .
11 Tommy Grant placed the big , round , iron , copper-lined sugar pan on the side of the stove , straightened his back as far as it would go ; then , turning to the bench , he pointed to the five tin trays of liquid toffee , saying , ‘ That should give us a fresh start in the mornin' , miss .
12 Instead of copying on y 1 , we first create a new value to represent y at time 0 , December 1983 ; this will give us a value on either side of y 1 so that it can be smoothed .
13 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
14 ‘ Can you give us a description of the man who called ? ’
15 If nothing else it does give us a new insight into other people 's technical problems .
16 ‘ PF4 may also be too toxic for use in humans , ’ says Folkman , ‘ but it will give us a scientific lead to other compounds that might stop tumour growth . ’
17 If all those [ computer ] models do work , it will give us a lot more confidence working on all those other problems , ’ ( Science News , 21 August 1982 , p 121 ) .
18 They can give us a full report … ’
19 The fact that this was the chosen approach of the Evil One in tempting Eve should give us a healthy respect for its subtlety and danger : ‘ Did God say … ? ’ he asked : His innocent-sounding questions about the facts of the case were designed to open up the deeper issue of God 's goodness .
20 It 's a heartening thought : he might give us a hard time but , at root , Bob is on our side …
21 If we win against both Spain and Japan that could give us a shot against South Africa in the quarter-finals , which would be tremendous news for Scottish rugby back home ’ , said Rutherford .
22 If so , why not give us a pension ?
23 Manager Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ The game will give us a decent idea of what he is like . ’
24 For some years I tended to assume that the computers would merely give us a better documented description of the language , but I do not think that that position remains tenable .
25 ‘ Our commitment to EDI will give us a strong competitive advantage , ’ says Eddie Bell , ‘ but we 're not exactly overburdened by customers that we can deal with yet . ’
26 It has been very quiet on the sales front so I hope this will give us a boost . ’
27 Wales coach Alan Davies admitted : ‘ John Eales 's absence will certainly disrupt Australia and it does give us a bit of an extra chance of winning some line-out ball .
28 Furthermore , recognition of the significance of environmental factors upon the well-being of elderly people does not give us a magic wand ; many of these factors are attributable to wider structural phenomena over which we and the elderly people have relatively little control .
29 The observables , the exotic items of gold , amber , shell , garnet , pottery ( and perhaps what it contained , for instance wine ) , glass , mercury , ivory , may give us a distorted image of the nature of exchange , but there is no reason for rejecting the acceptance of the pattern at face-value .
30 So why not give us a call !
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