Example sentences of "give for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 That is essentially because of the change in labour relations and the encouragement that has been given for employers and the work force to work together .
2 Possible mathematical experiences are given for activities involving each item .
3 As a general principle it was recommended that hearings should be in public and that reasons should be given for decisions .
4 No credit is given for trusts ' abilities to enhance returns through gearing .
5 Credit was given for goods sold in the ordinary way , he said , only because the vendor believed the purchaser would pay , and fear of imprisonment benefited no one but the tallyman who forced his credit on the unwary poor .
6 A similar explanation has been given for imbalances in the rodent fauna from the Pliocene at Laetoli , Tanzania ( Denys , 1985,1986 ) .
7 Advice and protection were more commonly given for diseases such as tetanus and malaria than for sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea and syphilis ( table ) .
8 And remember that times given for stages in guidebooks and on mountain path signposts are estimates for typical , more lightly equipped walkers .
9 In particular , permission will not be given for payments by Serbian/Montenegrin-owned companies , whether incorporated in the UK or elsewhere , for third-country trade — goods purchased in one country for sale in another , neither being Serbia or the UK .
10 This may in part be explained by one half of the reciprocity taking the form of labour services and trade in consumables ; a large proportion of the goods which may be considered of high value by reason of the distance over which the raw materials had been transported , and their resulting rarity , may have been given for services , gifts or payments for work , what may be termed institutional exchange .
11 David Scott was not one of the more successful county politicians , and perhaps his attitude is a little too pure for the real world of eighteenth-century politics , but it represents , even if in an exaggerated form , the general political maxim that the politician performs friendly services for his friends without haggling over a bargain , or even implying that an understanding existed which might suggest that a vote was given for services rendered , or as in this case , for services which might be performed at a future date .
12 Albert Tarr , who was unmarried and lived with his widowed mother at the tiny Devon village of East Anstey , was subsequently posthumously awarded the Carnegie Bronze Medal — at that time before the introduction of the George Medal , one of the highest possible civilian awards that could be given for acts of heroism and bravery .
13 Weighting is given for differences in age and , possibly , at sixth-form level , for different subjects .
14 No figure is given for moneylenders .
15 They do all the things the description 's given for adapters .
16 A box number at the newspaper was given for replies .
17 Treatment had been given for periods ranging from two weeks to over 10 years .
18 After two months , a settlement of 17 per cent was agreed , but the green light had been given for others to follow on .
19 He was also concerned about the reliability of the data : for example , that no measure of agreement was given for observations made when pairs of inspectors were present in the same classroom .
20 New language is presented and practised with every opportunity given for students to talk about themselves and topics which interest them .
21 Opportunities were given for students to write in any subjects not covered by a prepared checklist .
22 Today the reasons for dispersal are of course internal , apart from the general rise in costs , and are similar to those given for dispersals in private institutional lending libraries .
23 The introduction to medieval and Renaissance literature that appeared some months after his death as The Discarded Image ( 1964 ) , based on the accumulated notes of lectures he had given for decades in Oxford and Cambridge , deals sympathetically with authors who , as he approvingly remarks , quote Homer and Hesiod ‘ as if they were no less to be taken into account than the sacred writers ’ ; and the break in the European spirit he saw as a consequence of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution is magnified here , in a sweeping argument , far beyond the familiar classroom shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance .
24 5 A total timing is given for movements 16 and 17 together , but the same crotchet pulse appears to apply to both , enabling a tempo to be established .
25 McHale plans to use the extra £50,000 he has been given for players ' wages to good effect .
26 Success rates are given for tasks taken as representative of the criterion concerned .
27 Set-aside payments will not be given for parks used for cattle or sheep , but the rules encourage use as deer parks .
28 They are photographed holding their cheques , given for ideas that will benefit the company either in production , the offices or anywhere within the organisation where improvements can be made .
29 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
30 She did not care what money was given for repairs .
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