Example sentences of "give [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 John Smith tried to kill off such speculation by emphasising that in a general election last week 's results would have given Labour a majority of 87 .
2 With their rudimentary networks , Eastern Europe could leap-frog to the latest technology — though that is a daydream , given that no country in the region has the expertise or the money to do so .
3 Americans fret about many aspects of their political system , but not its fairness between parties ; and — given that no third party exists — its results are decently proportional .
4 Another factor was raised in a case in which the government did not properly consult local authorities ( as required by statute ) before making some regulations : by the time the application to revoke the regulations was heard , they had been in operation for some time and to revoke them would have caused considerable administrative inconvenience which could not be justified given that no real complaint was made about the substance of the regulations .
5 The classes are on certain days of the week only , but enrolment is not expensive given that a term is structured over the usual academic year .
6 The ADC felt that this was ironic , given that a property has to be close to amenities if it is to be excluded from the Right to Buy ;
7 Most important , given that a rogue GMO in the environment might continue to reproduce and spread , it can not be assumed that any system of regulation can adequately guard against an environmental catastrophe .
8 Given that a pharmaceutical company may have a database of perhaps hundreds of thousands of previously synthesised compounds , it is important to be able to ask whether anything in that database resembles a current lead compound or molecule of interest .
9 Given that a prime reason for investing in science is to boost the nation 's technological performance , where was the discussion about the implications of the government 's plans to privatise the British Technology Group , the descendant of a body set up by Labour itself in the mid-1960s to perform precisely this task ?
10 There is no reason why a change of context should restore α but given that a novel context is likely to be arousing , some increase in the likelihood of the OR might occur .
11 While prosecuted crime may be largely working class , whether crime as a wider category is so is rather debatable , given that a large amount of middle and upper-class criminality goes undetected .
12 In this sense it would be naive to make ‘ policy recommendations ’ , given that a central tenet of this work is that ‘ policy ’ is more the product of a particular set of vested interests than a technocratic implementation of neutral measures .
13 It was embarrassing to ask the punters at York Arts Centre to join in my comedy song by chanting the line ‘ fuck the system ’ , given that a fair few of them were over 60 .
14 Given that a large part of Sears ' business lies in the fashion area , responsiveness to the whim of the customer is particularly critical .
15 Given that a year 's ACT capacity will normally be falling outside the ‘ six year ’ period at each year-end , a company with potential surplus ACT problems will need to act promptly .
16 Hewlett-Packard Co is amongst Unix vendors Microsoft Corp has approached to help it develop a Unix version of Microsoft Mail : Microsoft expects Mail could be running under Open Look and Motif by year-end , though observers are sceptical given that a promised OS/2 Presentation Manager version has yet to appear .
17 Given that a totally closed economy is no longer a feasible option , questions remain about the optimal timing , the sectoral priorities and the best forms of liberalisation .
18 Incidentally there is no problem in proving the uniqueness of the positive gcd — given that a gcd actually exists at all .
19 The principle , then , given that a does not know that q , and that a does know that p implies q , allows us to infer that a does not know that p .
20 Given that a detailed examination of every transaction of a business is impossible , auditing concentrates on a sample confined to a period of time or to a type of transaction which is singled out for detailed examination .
21 However , given that a demand must be served before proceedings could be taken , it does not follow that Mr. Thomas 's second proposition is correct .
22 Given that a male in the operations department is required who is able to speak Italian , the male list is scanned first .
23 ‘ This assumes that the investment managers are making an average return of around 13 per cent a year — which they should be able to do , given that a PEP is effectively a tax- free fund .
24 Given that a person could be an illegal entrant through deception , what standard of proof was to be applied when reviewing the immigration officer 's decision that a person had entered by deception ?
25 Given that a very precise and reliable estimate of a required yield is unattainable anyway , the problems of both interdependence and estimation of covariances from key factors may be less severe if financial analysts work with the more homogeneous SBU as the unit of classification , rather than with a division which may contribute to various corporate business activities .
26 Although this has been offset in sterling terms by the devaluation of sterling against the dollar , this is less significant to LASMO than to some other companies , given that a high proportion of its costs are denominated in dollars .
27 In fact I am finding it difficult to establish the exact terms of reference for this study , given that a number of related studies are already underway .
28 Backup — the old backup/restore routine will be gone forever ( we hope ) given that a version of the Norton Backup will take its place in DOS 6
29 Given that a large part of FWWG 's assessment was based on interviews with engineers on the Monitored Professional Development Scheme [ MPDS ] , the training scheme has clearly received ‘ customer ’ approval .
30 Each transition has two probabilities : a transition probability which specifies the likelihood of the transition between the states and an output probability density function ( pdf ) which defines the probability of emitting a symbol from a finite set given that a specific transition has been taken .
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