Example sentences of "only did [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I knew better than to attempt to hug Mr Broadhurst , although that was what I felt like doing , for not only did everything in his manner discourage physical relations , he had also given me a strict injunction .
2 Ma was always at her most unreasonable on do-days , and I must have known it was a do-day because not only did we have extra help in the house , but Nanny had been co-opted into the kitchen to make pastry .
3 Not only did we care , we did something about it .
4 Not only did we want to improve something but we have created the wealth to make more resources and improvements available for social needs .
5 Not only did we double-glaze and fitted-Tintawn the whole place from top to bottom but I got my Dream Kitchen !
6 During the evening , not only did we sit down to an excellent meal but we were also entertained .
7 ‘ Not only did we have to show that economically our project needed a reasonable gas price , but we also had to demonstrate that this new policy did not result in huge changes in Pakistan 's domestic consumer price . ’
8 Not only did we call for a ‘ Welsh Centre for Sustainability ’ to help translate global commitments to sustainable development into practical action suited to Wales , but we also ran many persuasive campaigns highlighting the true environmental costs of a range of development proposals .
9 Not only did we try to influence the views of those in positions of power through detailed submissions and meetings , we also sought to mobilise public opinion through the news media and our own publications .
10 Davidson emphasises above his own role in Provincial 's response a team effort , not only in the sense that he had to delegate a great deal in such a multi-faceted role — although ‘ logically planning goes together with finance and not only did we have the capacity to take on overseas but control of subsidiaries fits too ’ — to his deputies , and , but that the whole company was involved .
11 ‘ Mr Fairfax only did what I asked him to do , ’ put in Charlotte .
12 ‘ I only did what anyone else who loved him would have done .
13 Not only did her flesh disgust him , she had impregnable opinions as to what was normal sexual practice and what was not .
14 Not only did her question underline how far communication had broken down between us but also how little either of us was able to meet the other 's needs .
15 Not only did one get a flash reflection thus ruining a sometimes good photograph but occasionally ‘ special effects ’ were obtained and I even managed to get a reflection of the camera in the photograph .
16 But so extreme was the sodomite 's construction that most of those actually engaging in ‘ homo/sexuality , did not identify themselves with it ; not only did they not have our modern categories , but the prevailing categories were so tar removed from how they saw themselves , that apparently the connection was not made .
17 Not only did they wreck the London skyline in general .
18 Not only did they monitor landings at the wharf , they also sifted through refuse dumps to find the remains of butchered dolphins , to estimate catches in previous seasons .
19 Not only did they disclaim any career but motherhood , they even began to question the need for the higher education itself .
20 Not only did they enjoy , indeed relish , healthy sexual appetites , they made it obvious that they would satisfy them where and when they felt like it , on their Own terms .
21 Not only did they not .
22 Not only did they live rent free but also received 3/6 per week .
23 He was exact in his choice ; not only did they have the same slender shape and were equal in height , but they were malleable too .
24 The move to the capital was a great upheaval for the Manchester girls , for not only did they now have to rehearse in Sin City as they called it , but they also had to work with Londoners .
25 These leaders provided truly great contributions to the items of ‘ goodness ’ which can thus be enshrined , for not only did they themselves set the seal of ‘ good ’ , for all time , on numerous human actions , but they influenced millions of others to do likewise .
26 Not only did they enjoy it but it certainly worked extremely well for those that followed it properly .
27 Not only did they have to feed the family and all the guests at ‘ the Big House ’ , but regular supplies were sent to the town house as well , then of course there were all the servants to feed .
28 Not only did they drench her in a water fight when she did n't have a change of clothes and throw her on the muck heap , but on Friday evening offered her a roll filled with Doggie Dins , so she spent the rest of the night throwing up .
29 Not only did they have to combat debilitating jet-lag and intense heat and humidity , but the Northern Territories included five top class guest players from Queensland and New South Wales .
30 Not only did they make the move , but they also managed to negotiate some funding and an arrangement whereby their staff could continue to be trained on E&Y courses .
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