Example sentences of "only be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The reality of meaning therefore , would only be accessible to some idealized third person who was able to observe the relation between the particulars .
2 He managed to move most of the ammunition away from the fuel but some would only be accessible When the vehicle was righted by the recovery section from the AMF(L) Workshop .
3 Language may not only be ill-adapted to communication ( as Professor Chomsky shows us in chapter 3 ) , it 's also in principle , and quite often in practice , unnecessary .
4 The MINSE approach requires a detailed investigation which moves beyond the intuition of the analyst , and can therefore only be accurate with a continual input of local expertise which was obviously missing during some of the phases of the research project .
5 Calculations suggests that a planar lithiomethane molecule would only be 34 kcal mol-1 less stable than its tetrahedral form .
6 If management , as usually conceived , attempts to mediate this role it will either fail utterly because it will be excluded by the people involved , or it will have distorting effects which can only be dysfunctional .
7 It was primarily a Display Laugh , something to indicate that she could rise above Henry , but ( this disturbed him somewhat ) at the back of her he caught a glimpse of something that could only be genuine amusement .
8 My time would only be impressive if clocked by sundial but I was pleased with it , though I could have done with a couple of gym sessions to get in shape .
9 Discussing how practitioners can not only be involved in research , but may conduct research studies themselves , with many potential pay-offs for workers , managers , agencies and the field , the writers suggest : The importance of the integral relationship between research and practice was also the subject of discussion by Lord Rothschild , head of the Central Policy Review Staff whose paper ‘ The organisation and management of Government research and development ’ ( 1971 ) did much to lay the foundations of the structure of research in the public sector .
10 In other cases some centres may only be involved in the development or delivery of part of a course .
11 Secondly , the treaty itself embodies the vital principle of ’ subsidiarity ’ , making it clear that the Community should only be involved in decisions which can not more effectively be taken at national level .
12 The process will only be complete when the national executive endorses the candidate .
13 In the story of Aladdin , his beloved is told that the wonderful palace he has got the genie of the lamp to build for her will only be complete if a roc 's egg is suspended from the dome , DC 3 .
14 Instead , place your fingers on each note in the order that you intend to pick them ; in other words , the full voicing of each chord will only be complete as you play the final , highest note .
15 Our understanding of what was happening to party politics under William and Anne can only be complete when we consider the wider world outside Westminster , which will be the subject of the following chapter .
16 Two quantities can only be equal if they contain the same powers of space , time and mass .
17 The two will only be equal : ( a ) if wages and prices are such that firms plan to produce what is currently being produced ; and ( b ) if firms are able to implement their production plans successfully .
18 From graph ( c ) , however , we see that the transactions demand will only be equal to £30 million when national income is £45 million .
19 One can only be fearful of what could have been the situation . ’
20 The ultimate clue to Ecgfrith 's regnal chronology , however , is the documentary report of the council of Hatfield which Bede includes in the Ecclesiastical History ( IV , 17 ) and which demonstrates , by reference to Ecgfrith in his tenth year on 17 September in a year which can only be 680 ( see below , p.113 ) , that Ecgfrith certainly succeeded no earlier than 17 September 670 — which introduces an even longer interregnum if Oswiu had died in the February of that year and makes his death in February 671 more likely still .
21 This may not only be encouraging for the parents , but it may also provide the teacher or therapist with valuable information about the child 's functioning which would not otherwise be available .
22 Many would have to be removed for a successful Woonerf to be created , yet this would not only be expensive in construction or land costs ( or both ) , but may also impinge on other , equally deserving neighbouring areas .
23 But even in Kenya — the country with one of the fastest population growth rates in the world — there will only be 120 million people by the time Kenyan population stabilises .
24 Nevertheless in most cases the right of possession and the right to the proceeds of the sale of your goods can only be helpful .
25 It can only be confusing to a pupil if features of dialect are ‘ corrected ’ at the same time and in the same way as , for example , spelling errors .
26 She would treat him as a delinquent , a time-waster , a bad child , whose offences could only be petty .
27 One will probably need to consider many critical factors in order to develop cash-flow estimates to calculate an NPV , but those critical factors themselves will only be identifiable by developing an understanding of the market place .
28 As already in the UK , it will render unlawful ( although not necessarily in terms of criminal law : the penalties may only be civil but must be sufficiently dissuasive ) the misuse or improper disclosure of unpublished price-sensitive information , either by insiders or by those who obtain the information from them .
29 Since [ J. ] has made very little development progress since the accident he has no potential to return to a healthy life and thus intensive care would not only be cruel but would artificially prolong his vegetative state .
30 This fact is consonant , to say the least , with the long philosophical dispute about causation and time , including the idea that causes might not only be simultaneous with their effects but might come after their effects .
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