Example sentences of "only to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even at this stage it is preferable only to sketch in secondary details , fragmentary accompaniment ideas , etc. , before completing a whole section of the main subject matter .
2 It represents totally unfair competition , not only to Tennis World but also to Tennis Magazine .
3 Some officers seem to be unaware that in terms of the number of people who do it , cycling 's second only to walking .
4 Miss Roybal-Allard originally wanted the ban to apply only to divorce , probate and child-custody cases .
5 The evidence comes primarily from modelling the observed velocity distributions of the stars , and modelling the measured velocities of the ionized streamers with the assumption that the ionized gas is responding only to gravity .
6 ‘ I enjoy it ’ and ‘ It hurts ’ testify of course only to awareness of the immediate stimuli , and will always be outweighed if enlargement of awareness changes the response .
7 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
8 This is offered only to Institute members for any of the titles published by Executive Grapevine .
9 As a cause of lung cancer it comes second only to smoking , and research shows that people who live in houses affected by the gas run a one in thirty chance of dying of lung cancer .
10 I 've brought out a pack of cards , but when you know you 've got them only to while away the hours , they are as exciting as a stack of washing up .
11 Colorectal carcinoma ranks second only to lung cancer in men and to breast cancer in women in the United States .
12 Nevertheless one can hardly hope to discuss knowledge in a language any less metaphorical than Descartes ' ( I have myself a few paragraphs back analogized not only to seeing but to ‘ glimpsing ’ and being ‘ illuminated ’ by a ‘ flash ’ , not only to clarity but to drawing a ‘ clear line ’ ) .
13 Some build up a sense of foreboding that is either confirmed or denied , some make us laugh all the way through , some seem written only to outrage .
14 There is a distinction , originating in Freud and developed by Lacan , between ‘ need ’ , ‘ demand ’ and ‘ desire ’ in which needs can be satisfied by the adequate object ( food ) , demands , while aimed at an object , are addressed to others ( the demand for love or attention disguised as a need for food ) , while desires have no real object , relate only to fantasy , and can not be satisfied ( the desire for unity and plenitude ) .
15 The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity .
16 So far , legislation has been passed to apply this principle only to packaging .
17 The polymer solution is separated from the pure solvent by a membrane , permeable only to solvent molecules .
18 The NHS management executive , however , appears to have put job evaluation second only to skill mix on its list of priorities .
19 Charles de Constant , cousin of the more famous Benjamin , French writer and politician , said of him in 1816 , ‘ his great age , his white hair , contrast strongly with his vivacity and his energy ; he has an originality of expression and a fire which belong only to genius . ’
20 Both had their origin in a Working Document presented by the United Kingdom delegation and designed to apply the Convention only to evidence ‘ for use in proceedings pending in the State of origin ’ .
21 This will apply.not only to mathematics and English , but also to areas such as science and arts , where at present progression and continuity are particularly weak .
22 Moralists able only to think of autonomy , of the active imposition of the will on what is round us , miss the essential values of receptivity , of contemplation , of openness to the splendours of what is not oneself .
23 Network stations should be upgraded only to DOS 5 .
24 They apply only to sight , and leave the reader assuming that , unlike what we see , what we touch exists independently of the mind .
25 Another property , concatenation , arises when we can add measures together : a feature which attaches only to ratio scales .
26 Assistance with rent and rates for people on a low income is available not only to council tenants , but also to tenants or private landlords , those who live in housing association accommodation and owner occupiers .
27 There she spoke only to Matron and the lung specialist .
28 If a power of appointment , either in law or in fact , is vested in trade unions , the effect is not only to arrogate to them rights attaching only to ownership , but to establish them in this particular matter as the constitutional equals of Parliament .
29 But as a case for a ‘ radical extension ’ of industrial democracy by means requiring the assumption by unreformed trade unions of rights which had hitherto attached only to ownership , it merits at this point no more than a suspended judgment at best .
30 The SPF system refers only to protection from UVB rays , but this year a star rating system has been introduced which also categorizes sun products according to their UVA protection .
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