Example sentences of "only just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Miss Hardbroom , I was the frog in the potion laboratory , the one you found in the corridor , and the potion I took is only just wearing off , that 's why I have n't any feet at the moment .
2 The Sun only just manages to keep alight and it tends to be those few protons that are moving faster than average that keep it going — which is just as well or it could have used all its fuel and expired before we arrived .
3 In a recent letter to Dr Jeffrey , the association 's chairman , Electricity Association chief executive Roger Farrance , said ‘ The EEIBA only just manages to balance its books and its case load is increasing all the time .
4 In 1798 the threat of military invasion from Napoleonic France had only just ebbed when the Bishop of Durham announced to a startled House of Lords that it had come to his attention that the only reason the enemy forces had backed away from military invasion was because they had hit on a more sinister method of bringing Britannia to heel .
5 He could only just reach the handle to close the door behind him .
6 By the beginning of the third week , Charlie could only just fit his swollen toes into the heavy leather boots the army had supplied him with , but looking down the rows of feet that adorned the barrack room floor each morning he could see that none of his comrades was any better off .
7 ‘ The view is that the middle tier will have to merge , and we are only just seeing the beginning of this , ’ Michael Jenkin , Glanville 's managing director , told ACCOUNTANCY .
8 that 's right , so you 'll probably only just seeing
9 Oh I only just put number seven in there , surely .
10 Yeah but I du n no how much I got in there cos I only just put so much in there so I 'll check it on Monday .
11 I have only just understood that this logic was so .
12 Well that 's what I said to him , why not yours he only just cut it , that couple of grandsons they 've all done it all up
13 A red carpet was laid out on the runway by soldiers — they only just had it straight when the official parties arrived .
14 She was carrying a small spear and only just had time to raise it and thrust it at the Scarag .
15 Higher education had only just resumed with some semblance of normality after the disruption of the previous decade .
16 Some of them looked as if they had only just risen from their beds , as if this was breakfast time to them ; others had the look of people who had n't slept for a week .
17 He 's only just lent it to me to use during this week .
18 Police discovered Carol Clark 's other life last week , but have only just revealed details .
19 The court was told that all three were now grown up , with the girls 27 and 31 , and had only just revealed their ordeal at the hands of their stepfather .
20 He then visited Quebec Barracks and saw the new brick buildings there which had only just replaced the old South African war huts .
21 He gave it a stab which only just carried it up the slope and onto the edge of the green .
22 Although only just elected to the Executive Committee as Galway Area Secretary , Tom is no stranger to ‘ 93 ’ as for 6 years , from 1973 top 1979 , he was an Executive Committee member as Cork District Secretary .
23 A dong chop nau nau — I have only just eaten
24 ‘ You see , we 've only just eaten our lessons for today , and it 's made us feel rather sick . ’
25 ’ Oh , it 's only just blown up .
26 ‘ I only just let you in , ’ Tammuz reminded hir .
27 I only just let him in .
28 Involuntarily the landlord of the Feathers shivered , peering uncertainly up at this late wayfarer , whose peremptory summons on the front door had recalled him to undo the bolts he had only just shot to .
29 ‘ Perhaps it was a sign that she 'd only just realized she 'd done something wrong with her life . ’
30 One can only just go on hoping and praying that it is the best and not the worst that has happened .
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