Example sentences of "only do he " in BNC.

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1 Not only did he catch a crestfallen Kelly , who had started a minute ahead of him , but he socked the hopes of Frenchman Charly Mottet and the Swiss powerhouse Thomas Wegmuller .
2 Not only did he have to keep wafting a smoke machine to create that distinctive curry house fug , and smoking cigarettes down to the level of the previous scene ; he also had to keep up a steady supply of fresh poppadums .
3 Not only did he do so , one-handed , but he scored a four , and allowed Gomes to reach his century .
4 Not only did he concede the penalty but he also presented White with the perfect chance to cap a memorable day .
5 Not only did he needlessly place himself in danger , but no charges were brought against his prisoners .
6 Old Van Leer left nothing to chance : not only did he plan his own funeral , he even made Wim rehearse a funeral oration , which he did with his usual brio .
7 The wind screeched in his ears , making consecutive thought almost impossible so that not only did he have to struggle in desperate conflict with the conditions but had also to fight to hold to his concentration .
8 Not only did he quite genuinely want to ease the distress of the hostages ' relatives but Reagan was well aware of the damaging analogy to his own political fortunes when comparing this hostage crisis to that suffered by Carter .
9 By 1820 , not only did he own Freames , but he was apparently also the owner of neighbouring Pitts Mill , for in that year he leased both to Nathaniel Samuel Marling .
10 Not only did he require a grant of 57,000 acres of the drained land , but , according to Dugdale , he intended to transform the village of Manea into a town to be called Charlemont , which would command the new river system .
11 Not only did he lay the foundation for the theory of computer programs , but in 1952 he published a highly original paper on pattern formation .
12 Not only did he enjoy the occasion he also raised around £750 for Leukaemia and Kidney Research .
13 Not only did he make sure that we had a thorough grounding in the 3 Rs , Reading — Writing — Rithmatic , but just as important — he taught us C. P. and K. — Courtesy , Politeness and Kindness :
14 Not only did he treat everyone in sight but also led nightly singsongs by thumping away on the pub piano .
15 Not only did he prove himself the master of a number of accredited and experienced Division Two full-backs but he was in his usual place of outside-right in Palace 's best-ever Cup victory when we walloped Everton 6–0 at Goodison on 7 January 1922 .
16 John George had long ceased to play the father to John : not only did he put his son first at all times , but his alcoholism made him extremely difficult to deal with .
17 Not only did he find this crude form of seal unsuitable for his normal still wines , but when he began to produce sparkling wines the total inadequacy of wooden pegs for imprisoning the carbonic gas was such that he set out to discover a more efficient seal .
18 It was worthwhile , though — not only did he make me feel young and raunchy again , he left me with enough self-esteem to believe in my capabilities as a single mother . ’
19 Not only did he give me a shock , he also hurt me .
20 Not only did he tell me all the train times I needed to know ( without so much as a sigh ) , he also found out how I might get from Elstree station to the BBC studios .
21 ‘ When Vinnie Jones had his shorts down , not only did he got fined , but we were fined too .
22 Not only did he write music for various Masonic ceremonies ( such as the Maurerische Trauermusik ( Masonic Funeral Music ) , K.477 , for the memorial service of two fellow-Masons ; but , as we shall see , he actually wrote a ‘ Masonic ’ opera that was riddled with the arcane symbolism of the craft — an incredibly daring act for the member of a society dedicated to absolute secrecy to do ( all its members had to swear an oath to ‘ hear and conceal ’ on pain of having their throats cut or their tongues pulled out ) .
23 Not only did he share his predecessor 's misgivings about aiding any rebels , Calvinist or otherwise , he also had a strong temperamental dislike of all conflict .
24 Not only did he immediately assume overall direction of the battle , organizing his forces and ever-increasing artillery power , but he at once ordered the reoccupation and rearming of the outlying forts , to each of which two weeks ' supply of food and water for every man was dispatched .
25 Not only did he own Werner Lines , a worldwide shipping empire with more than vessels in commission , but he had also branched out into the freight industry over the past four years and succeeded in cornering an important section of its competitive market by buying out a succession of small , struggling companies and amalgamating them under an experienced board of directors answerable only to him .
26 But it was Eliot who in the end loosened the hold of the " modernists " on English culture — not only did he assert the public role and " social usefulness " of the writer in an almost nineteenth-century manner , but he also announced that the principles he derived from his religious belief were more enduring than literary or critical ones .
27 The two men knew each other much better now but , on the face of it , despite their joint passion for Sherlock Holmes and Eliot 's reliance upon Hayward 's editorial skills ( not only did he inspect the poetry , but he also removed social malapropisms from the drama ) , they were an oddly matched pair .
28 Not only did he do stupendous work in many areas of pure mathematics but he also devoted much time to probability , theory of errors , geodesy , mechanics , electromagnetism , optics and even actuarial science !
29 Not only did he bring his delightful driving skill to the team but also his vast engineering knowledge and the two combined to make Cooper one of the leading forces in Grand Prix racing for several years .
30 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
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