Example sentences of "now has [det] " in BNC.

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1 Much more attention has also been paid to formal staff appraisal , and every university now has such a system , some institutions employing outside consultants to train the appraisers .
2 It now has such favourable associations of secure wage-earning that we hardly bother to question it or look behind it .
3 We had no time left to visit the extreme right sector ( Top Secret ) which had nine routes of around English 5c in the 1989 guide , but now has many more .
4 Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop now has many customers who come specifically to buy cards because they can not get what they want elsewhere .
5 What we are now has much to do with the way we have steered round or even collided with the obstacles of our lives .
6 In the south , rebels from another group are pressing the government of President Siad Barre , who now has little authority beyond the capital .
7 Barbados , which even now has little more than a quarter of a million people , has led the way with a roll of honour of mind-boggling proportions .
8 Engineering , which played so central a role in this country 's industrial development , now has little more than a bit part according to many economists and politicians .
9 He points out that the young fellow or girl with only modest ‘ A ’ levels now has little choice : they have to do without — or go across the water .
10 ‘ Gregoire now has some hair and he 's put on weight !
11 Last year 169 American banks , with $16 billion-worth of assets , failed ; the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation now has some 1,100 rickety banks under observation .
12 After three years on this course , the EPA now has some , but not all , of the answers .
13 Sun Commonwealth of Independent States will be up on SWAN , Sun 's internal worldwide network , which now has some 22,000 nodes .
14 Sun CIS will be up on SWAN , Sun 's internal worldwide area network , which now has some 22,000 nodes .
15 The Centre now has some of the most powerful computers in Europe , thereby already establishing the potential of parallel computers .
16 WHO now has some fifty staff in the area , half of whom are locally engaged .
17 He now has some movement in his arms and shoulder which Doctors say is encouraging .
18 ( I an happy to report , however , that none of us now has any fear at all of dogs — indeed familiarity has made us quite fond of them . )
19 IN THE unlikely event that Stephen Hargrave , youthful former chairman of Pathfinders Group , does not get on with his new boss Hugo Biermann — who recently reversed into the company — he now has another venture to concentrate on .
20 Mrs Major , who now has another five years of red boxes in bed and official lunches in Downing Street to look forward to .
21 She now has another job but can not completely forget her experiences .
22 Others will tell you that it showed cricket 's ability to absorb change , an ability it now has another chance to demonstrate .
23 The long Wall now has another nice new line of bolts , with Arucaria taking the 3BRs between Brothers in Arms and Jungle Rock .
24 Where a defendant raises the defence of latent defect , and the defect alleged is one arising in the manufacture of the product , as opposed to a defect caused by lack of maintenance , the plaintiff now has another weapon in his armoury .
25 Though it now has few East European customers it has proved that with cheap , intermediate technology and a limitlessly flexible approach to business , it is possible to sell exchanges to Russian cities .
26 The last of these now has few followers ; but the first two still retain vitality .
27 Iris now has most of her design collections available on disc .
28 He now has less than a month to ‘ re-engage ’ the negotiations before the United States imposes a savage and crippling 200pc trade tariff on £200m of imported European goods .
29 Elsie Cuming has extended her movement classes for the mentally handicapped and now has several classes for sub-normal patients at Princess Christian 's Hospital , some of which are run in conjunction with the Tonbridge Adult Education Centre .
30 Kavos has been the fastest developing resort in Corfu over the past two years and now has more bars , tavernas and discos than just about anywhere else on the island .
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