Example sentences of "your [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Your emotional high is coloured by anxiety .
2 For men , if you are right-handed your right-hand outside pocket would be a good place ; if you are left handed , your left-hand pocket .
3 Speak your frowsty worst — go on !
4 Perhaps this alc-free atmos is pertinent , when you consider that the auditorium is your classic Dead Poets Society assembly hall , all carved balconies and high arches , church-like to the point of intense God-fear !
5 Well , on your right that 's all , that 's all Waterhall down there .
6 People are brought up to believe that to be successful in science you have first to have your right cerebral hemisphere obliterated ; and the people ( like a lot of teachers ) who perpetrate this nonsense should be fried slowly in rancid yak fat .
7 handy to live on the on your right next to work in a way cos you do n't have to worry about
8 Any significant stroke or head injury which happens to a person within a marriage , friendship or family situation alters your possible future plans as well as your day-to-day life .
9 Your dear new uncle-in-law whom I was fortunate enough to encounter on the morning train from Paddington agrees that it would be nice if our friends from the constabulary were to join us . ’
10 reveals the fruit in ripeness , when the floss inside is ready to be plucked , as soft as the lock of hair I keep with me always from your dear golden head .
11 Your dear youngest brother , William , is dead .
12 Perhaps I was n't able to say earlier this evening , when your dear sweet face was looking at me .
13 No one else will be too pleased , but your dear old Aunty will laugh till she pops her corsets and reward you with mounds of her , ahem , ‘ delicious ’ home made angel cakes .
14 ‘ Oh , hello , Joe , nice you 've come to see me , ’ she said , ‘ how 's your dear old dad ? ’
15 ‘ No , but then how do you ever know that your dear little baby is n't going to grow up to be tall and elegant ? ’ she quipped with huge enjoyment .
16 ‘ It 's like voting for your dad or for your wacky cool uncle who plays the sax .
17 To see your fabulous new system — or to provoke your fabulous live-in lover ? ’
18 To order and qualify for your fabulous free pair of Terence Renati Scissors , send a cheque for £115 ( inc p&p ) to Terence Renati Limited , .
19 HERE 'S another sticker for your fabulous Daily Mirror souvenir wallchart to celebrate Nigel Mansell sweeping to the world Formula One title .
20 Have you enjoyed your special day or did n't anyone notice your terrific new image ?
21 Cranston roared ‘ There 's more to this house than sitting on your arse and stuffing your mouth with every bit of food you can lay your sticky little fingers on ! ’
22 Your Reticular Activating System is firing on all cylinders , your cortex is turning somersaults .
23 And do not overlook the ability of your snoozing feline .
24 Andrew Jones comments : ‘ If you are looking from outside Europe at where you would logically base your European holding company , the UK does n't even rate a mention .
25 ( a ) Your failed reverse roundhouse kick falls to the outside of the opponent 's leading leg
26 I need your strong Muslim arms . ’
27 And send yow thaccomplisshement of your hy noble Joyous and vertuous desirs Amen : Fynsshid the last day of merche the yer of our lord god .
28 You do n't care about anyone but yourself and your narrow little world . ’
29 THE best prizes are in your fun-packed Daily Mirror — and her are some of the happy readers who have snapped them up .
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