Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Problem No. 2 : Ill health meant no knitting for three years .
2 No knitting for six weeks .
3 There had been no intimacy between them , never as far as she could remember .
4 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
5 There would be no resort to devaluation .
6 One of the many misconceptions about housing finance is that home-owners are self-reliant , buying their houses with no resort to the state , while public sector tenants are the recipients of huge hand-outs .
7 There was no variety at all — you knew exactly what you would be doing at any given moment of the week .
8 The jury convicted him on the counts of theft , but by directions of the recorder returned no verdict on the section 15(1) count .
9 Orwell , concerned only to demonstrate that political will destroys the individual , offers no verdict on such refinements .
10 Christian preachers attempted , without much success , to persuade their congregations to fast while inebriated pagans feasted and to give alms to the very poor who could give no present in return . )
11 During this period , which lasts until the end of the second year after acquiring the infection , there will be no present in the tissues .
12 Regrettably this consists only of a short description of the mechanical working of the lift , taken from Thomas 's own description , giving no assessment of the lift 's success in use , despite the fact that it appeared six months after the lift 's entry into service .
13 One thing is clear from the hon. Gentleman 's attitude : were there ever a Labour Government , there would be no review of programmes and there would be no assessment of the way in which help is given to ensure that it is cost effective or of how Government resources are deployed to ensure that the taxpayer gets the best value for money .
14 However , turning turning to Selby 's demand led approach which I would call it , and I think that is erm how they themselves in fact describe it , they have set a level of two hundred and two hundred to two hundred a fifty hectares based on demand , and as I understand it there is no assessment of job need or job demand to back that requirement .
15 Parents of children have a right to request a reassessment of their children ; the LEA must comply unless to do so would be ‘ unreasonable ’ ( in the case of children who are not statemented ) or ‘ inappropriate ’ and there has been no assessment in the previous six months ( in the case of statemented children ) .
16 er there is no chairman following the er management buy out the position is , still remains open
17 Er that I remember come in laughing saying that he had no kitchen for him for her .
18 In this case , the retailer is liable to his buyer , the boy , but now has no contract under which he can recover indemnity .
19 There is no contract between you and the valuer .
20 There is no contract between you and the Post office .
21 There is no contract between you and The Post Office .
22 It may well happen that the student in considering this comes to the conclusion that there is no contract between Pickwick and Podder .
23 The Court of Appeal held that there was no contract between the owners and the port authority and so the secondary action was illegal .
24 Although claims in negligence for purely financial loss do not generally succeed , it was held that this claim by the owner against the nominated sub-contractor could succeed in negligence ( i.e. even though there was no contract between the owner and sub-contractor ) .
25 For instance , in the law of contract the question , ‘ What is the difference between void and voidable contracts ? ’ can be accurately answered by saying that a void contract is an apparent contract that is in truth no contract at all , while a voidable contract is a contract that is capable of being avoided at the option of one party .
26 First , they claimed that the garage proprietor made no contract at all with the customer in relation to the World Cup coins .
27 The words ‘ void contract ’ are a contradiction in terms ; a void contract is no contract at all .
28 What is a voidable title and how it differs from a void title can best be shown by an example : A owns some goods which he sells to B who in turn sells them to C. If the first contract ( i.e. Between A and B ) is valid then title passes from A to B. If it is void for any reason then it is no contract at all and no ownership passes to B. If it is voidable then it is initially valid but can be avoided ( set aside ) later .
29 And there 's no contract to start with , the first year or two there was no contract at all .
30 Another type of evasion would be to create a situation where there was no contract at all , so that only certain liabilities under tort , in accordance with UCTA , s 2 , would remain .
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