Example sentences of "more than [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a dispassionate view , a century seems to have several advantages , as being more than a lifespan and being an evident but arbitrary division .
2 More than a hundred years have passed since Morelli started writing ; in that time many problems of authorship have been solved , while about others tacit agreement has been reached .
3 We have also followed his preparations for the world title bout with Karpov , some of us , it must be confessed , with a certain amount of incredulity , since , however much these world championship matches are now dependent on stamina rather than brilliance , it has struck more than a few people that a chess player is not a footballer , in particular a fifty-year-old self-exiled Russian Grandmaster is not a footballer , and that to think that by training like one he will become as fit is not only an illusion , it is a dangerous illusion .
4 ‘ No , do what you like , ’ I said , more than a little surprised to find that our roles of ward and chaperone had now been reversed .
5 He sighed tiredly , as though he had been working for a full day with stone and timber , and tried to listen to James Menzies , who was well away , drinking whisky with Allan and simmering with the news from the west , where the lists had been torn down from the church doors at Fortingall and Kenmore , and from Blair Atholl : the Duke 's factor had had to meet a crowd of more than a thousand and the Duke had signed a paper swearing not to impose the Act .
6 I was more than a little put out .
7 Apart from re-iterating his belief , which is gaining support , that there probably should be a completely new major circuit of not more than a dozen tournaments , based round the Grand Slams and culminating in one end-of-season event , Becker said ‘ We 're not machines .
8 They need not cost you more than a meal out and a trip to the theatre , yet they will provide many more hours of pleasure .
9 This belongs to the last days of 1870 , more than a year after the murder in the park .
10 Rhode & Schwarz take space to congratulate EBU on ‘ the great success achieved with RDS adding , not too disinterestedly , ‘ the fact that our equipment is supporting RDS in more than a thousand FM radio stations worldwide makes us rather proud ’ .
11 Not much of a claim , more than a year after he started trying to turn the tide ; and one yet to be proven , anyway .
12 The imprisoned Mr Mandela has met in recent months more than a dozen of the chieftains and assorted dignitaries — his Xhosa wife , Winnie , among them - who were on the podium .
13 In 1984 , foresters found that 20 per cent of the Norway spruce in West Germany 's forests had lost more than a quarter of their needles .
14 Sir : While tending to agree with the Archbishop of Canterbury 's social critique as reported in your paper ( 'Runcie attack on ‘ Pharisees ’ revives rift with Tories ' , 2 October ) , I find his reference to the Pharisees more than a little unfortunate .
15 For the United States , the assimilation of wave after wave of immigrants into an egalitarian society was more than a pious hope .
16 More than a thousand children were inside ; on Monday night , most had slept three to a bed .
17 New car registrations — only half a million in 1958 — jumped in 1963 to more than a million ( Today , they are running at two million . )
18 More than a million and half vehicles enter or leave central London every working day .
19 More than a thousand people had spent the night out of doors .
20 From then his career was hard graft : succeeding Brian Sellers as Yorkshire 's captain he had to rebuild the side which , although talented , never managed more than a shared title ; he won his England place on merit before succeeding Wally Hammond as captain when he had to face Don Bradman 's Australia .
21 Some of them had swum the border rivers , the Oder or the Neisse , despite the knowledge that more than a dozen had drowned .
22 He has swum across , although he knows that more than a dozen escapers have drowned there in recent weeks and East German border guards are patrolling .
23 Out of the dust of the Bodleian , Dr Lonsdale has resurrected more than a hundred witty women and set them glistening and pulsing with life and spirits before us ; and through their fresh and often subversive eyes , the Augustan age seems much closer than it did .
24 Their South Molton cottage ( guide price £44,000-£46,000 ) is one of more than 20 lots to be put up for sale at the Barnstaple auction by Bristol and West Property Services , and one of more than a hundred which the building society subsidiary will be auctioning in eight West Country venues over a three-day period .
25 The Daily Telegraph has slipped into decline over the last 10 years , losing more than a million readers ( 3.59 million in 1980 ; 2.55 million 1989 ) .
26 EXPLOSIVES smuggled in the soles of training shoes were to be used in an attempted daylight breakout by more than a dozen IRA men in a top security prison , it emerged yesterday .
27 I have n't taken more than a week off at a time and I need some rest . ’
28 It was a visit to Peking by the Soviet president in May that helped to bring more than a million demonstrators out on to the streets on two successive days , pushing China 's student-led protest movement towards its tragic climax .
29 This new anthology should disturb many literary preconceptions with its forceful and charming discoveries , taken from the work of more than a hundred women .
30 The scheme , which already covers more than a million motorists in the UK , can cost as little as £6.50 a year .
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